
Pero: an ancient Commune with a curious name

Hello friends! Today I will tell you about a very unique Commune located in Lombardy, specifically in the metropolitan city of Milan. I'm talking about Pero, a place with an ancient history and a very curious name.

The name Pero itself seems to have several origins. According to one theory, the name derives from the medieval toponym "Cassina del Pero," which refers to an ancient agricultural farmhouse that mainly produced pears. Another theory suggests that the name of the Commune is related to its geographical location, as Pero was the first locality encountered on the Mediolanum-Verbannus road, an existing road since pre-Roman times. This path connected Mediolanum, or ancient Milan, to Lake Verbano, or Lake Maggiore, and "Pero" derived from the Reti expression that meant "along the road."

The Commune of Pero has a very ancient history. In fact, during the Roman Civilization, the famous and important Mediolanum-Verbannus road passed through it. However, the first document mentioning Pero dates back to the 12th century, referring to a vineyard located in "Cassina del Pero."

From the Feud of Trenno to Industrialization

In the 17th and 18th centuries, Cassina del Pero was part of the Feud of Trenno. In 1658, the feudo was assigned to Camillo Melzi, named Count of Trenno in 1660 by King Philip IV of Spain. After Camillo's death, the feud passed to Count Cesare Monti, son of Maria Melzi; finally, in 1774, with the extinction of the Monti family, the County of Trenno was devolved to the Camera.

Nonetheless, Pero suffered numerous floods from the Olona River waters in the 18th, 19th, and 20th centuries. In the 19th century, the Commune of Pero was described as sad and almost depopulated due to the marshy soil and the unhealthy vapors from the rice paddies. At that time, the area was infested with thieves and bandits.

Later, Pero developed as an industrial center in the 20th century thanks to its strategic location, proximity to Milan, and abundance of watercourses.

The history and attractions of Pero, Lombardian municipality.

The merger with the Commune of Cerchiate

On May 13, 1928, the merger with the Commune of Cerchiate was registered.

Since then, Pero has continued to grow and evolve, becoming increasingly important for industrial production: numerous companies and factories have settled in the territory of the Commune, ensuring employment and economic development.

Moreover, Pero is a place that boasts numerous tourist attractions, such as the Palazzetto dello Sport, the Parco della Rocca, the Fratelli Cozzi Museum, and the Parco Agricolo Sud milano.


Therefore, Pero is a particularly fascinating Commune for its ancient history and economic growth. Despite this, it is not only a place suitable for work and the economy but also for tourism and culture. Known primarily for its curious name, Pero is a locality to discover and appreciate for its natural beauty and its artistic and cultural attractions.

Elisa Lombardi
Updated Monday, Feb 21, 2022