Pergine Valsugana

Welcome to Pergine Valsugana!

Hello everyone! Today we'll talk about the beautiful city of Pergine Valsugana, located in the province of Trento. With a population of approximately 21,485 inhabitants, it's the third most populous municipality in the province after Trento and Rovereto.

Pergine Valsugana: history, geography and natural wonders.

Let's discover the physical geography of Pergine Valsugana

The territory

Pergine Valsugana is located in the central area of the province of Trento, on the left and right bank of the Adige river, at an altitude of about 490 meters above sea level and 12 km east of Trento. The municipality covers an area of approximately 5439 hectares and occupies the vast basin at the foot of Mount Tegazzo and the valley of the Fersina stream. The city is surrounded by beautiful mountains, such as Mount Marzola, Mount Celva, Vigolana, Panarotta, Mount Orno, Gronlait, and Mount Fravort. In the distance, you can also see the peaks of the Brenta Dolomites and Mount Paganella, while to the south is Mount Levico, on which the Forte Vezzena stands.


The climate of Pergine Valsugana is pleasant and mild, with average temperatures ranging from 1.4°C in January to 22.6°C in July. The average annual precipitation exceeds 900 mm, generally concentrated in about ninety days with a peak in late spring and summer.

Let's discover the origin of the city's name

There are various hypotheses about the origin of the name Pergine Valsugana, it could derive from the name of the Fersina stream, or it could be a contraction of "per gli incendi", referring to the fires that burned on the mountains in the area.

The history of Pergine Valsugana


The territory of Pergine Valsugana was already inhabited in prehistoric times by the Rhaetians; settlements have been discovered in the hills of Pergine, particularly in Montesei di Serso.

Roman era

During the Roman era, Pergine Valsugana was an important commercial hub on the road that linked Verona to Feltre.

Middle Ages

In the Middle Ages, Pergine Valsugana was one of the most important castles in the area. In 1177, it was the site of the famous meeting between the Emperor Frederick Barbarossa and Pope Alexander III, who met to settle their disputes.


During the Renaissance, Pergine Valsugana became an important center of culture and commerce.

Modern era

In the modern era, Pergine Valsugana was under the dominion of the Habsburgs and then of the French of Napoleon.

Contemporary era

In the contemporary era, Pergine Valsugana has been at the center of the tumultuous events that have marked Italy during the 20th century. During World War II, it was the site of an important German prisoner of war camp.

The lakes of Pergine Valsugana

Pergine Valsugana also boasts the presence of several lakes, such as Lake Caldonazzo, Lake Costa, Lake Pudro, Lake Canzolino, and Lake Madrano. Lake Pudro, in particular, is part of the Natura 2000 network and is characterized by the presence of animals closely related to water. In 1948, a fully-handled sword with a finely decorated goblet pommel dating back to the 10th century BC was found in Lake Pudro. Until 1989, Lake Pudro was exploited for peat extraction.

The beauty of Pergine Valsugana

In conclusion, Pergine Valsugana is a city rich in history, art, and natural beauty. From its lakes to its mountains, from its prehistoric settlements to its Renaissance monuments, this city has a lot to offer visitors. Come and discover the beauty of Pergine Valsugana!

Luca Bianchi
Wrote by Luca Bianchi
Updated Tuesday, Jan 25, 2022