Perano: a small town in Abruzzo
Perano is a small town with a population of around 1500 inhabitants, located in the province of Chieti, in the Italian region of Abruzzo. The town's territory extends over an area of about 6.28 km² and is situated on a hilly elevation to the right of the Sangro river, at elevations ranging between 88 and 351 meters above sea level.
The history of Perano
The first certain historical records about the city date back to the 9th century, when it became part of the possessions of the Abbey of San Clemente in Casauria. Throughout its history, Perano came under the jurisdiction of various abbeys and religious congregations, including those of Santa Maria di Tremiti and San Giovanni in Venere. In the 18th century, it returned under the control of the Regio Demanio.

The origin of the name Perano
The origin of the city's name is still debated. According to some historians, such as Alessio Pellegrini, the name would derive from "Perius", the name of the landowner, to which the suffix "ano" would have been added. According to others, such as Pellecciotta, the name Perano would be composed of the Greek suffix "peri", which means "beyond" or "on the other side of", and the Latin suffix "-ano", which would refer to the Sangro river, located beyond the hill on which the village stands.
What to see in Perano
Despite its small size, the city of Perano offers many attractions for tourists. Among the main places of interest, the Church of San Tommaso Apostolo and the adjoining bell tower are definitely worth a visit.
The Church of San Tommaso Apostolo
The construction of the Church of San Tommaso Apostolo dates back to the 18th century, although there is no certain data on its construction. The facade of the church is divided into two parts by a string course and features a bifora with an architrave above the portal. The interior of the church has a coffered barrel vault, and the dome at the intersection of the two aisles is decorated with frescoes depicting four evangelists. The presbytery is adorned with a pre-conciliar altar with elaborate design, with plant and animal elements representing respectively the abundance of divine grace and the sin that threatens it. The tabernacle, located in front of the altar, reproduces a classical temple with two Corinthian columns, and on the door is depicted the Holy Spirit surrounded by angels.
The bell tower
The bell tower adjacent to the Church of San Tommaso Apostolo dates back to the 18th century and is composed of four floors. From the third floor upwards, it features windows with the typical arched shape of Romanesque churches. The top floor is decorated with garlands and acanthus leaves, and the spire ends with a sphere and a cross.
Despite its small size, Perano is a charming city rich in history and culture. Its territory, situated on a hill to the right of the Sangro river, offers a splendid panorama of the surrounding valley. The Church of San Tommaso Apostolo and the adjacent bell tower represent the main attractions of the city, which are definitely worth a visit.