
A Geographical Identity to Discover

Have you ever been to Capriglia? This hamlet in Pellezzano, in the province of Salerno, is a hidden gem at the foot of Mount Diecimare, in the Irno River Valley. At just 295 meters above sea level, Capriglia offers breathtaking views of the surrounding landscape and is a perfect starting point to explore the area.

A Strategic Location

Capriglia is only 2 kilometers from Acquamela and is perfectly connected to the provincial road that passes through Baronissi and crosses Coperchia, Capezzano, and Fratte to reach Salerno, just 8 kilometers away. The hamlet borders Saragnano and Capo Saragnano, also hamlets of Baronissi, and is about 2 kilometers from the municipality of Pellezzano.

Capriglia: discover history, art and faith.

A City to Visit

If you decide to visit Capriglia, you cannot miss the parish church dedicated to Madonna delle Grazie. Inside, you can admire Neapolitan school paintings and frescoes by local authors, as well as a precious table from the early 16th century depicting Madonna delle Grazie, the work of Andrea Sabatini, also known as Andrea da Salerno, belonging to the school of Raphael. Don't miss the chance to observe the bell tower of the church, 47 meters high, from the vanvitellian school, and very similar to that of the basilica of Loreto, designed by the Italo-Dutch architect.

A Testament of Faith and Devotion

On the Sunday following July 2nd, the liturgical feast day of Madonna delle Grazie, the statue of Mary (mother of Jesus) is carried in a solemn procession through the streets of the village, with the participation of the religious associations of the village: "Catholic Action," "Daughters of Mary," and "Apostolate of the Sacred Heart," many faithful from the surrounding areas and local authorities. Such is the veneration for Madonna delle Grazie that still today women and girls perform the entire procession (which lasts about 4 hours) barefoot as a sign of devotion, for a vow or for a grace received.

A Feast for the Palate

The feast in honor of Madonna delle Grazie also represents an opportunity to taste local culinary specialties, such as "sfiziosella," a special pizza cooked in a wood-fired oven, and "paiocca," a dish made with pasta, pumpkin, smoked scamorza cheese, and sausage. The festival of "sfiziosella" and the festival of "paiocca" take place during the feast days and attract many visitors from the surrounding area.

Art and Culture in Collereto

The hermitage of the Holy Spirit, perhaps a medieval construction, is located on a hill between Capriglia and Pellezzano. It was the convent of the Augustinians of Collereto. The date on which the convent was abandoned by the religious is certain: May 6th, 1653. It is supposed that subsequently the structure was a den of brigands and smugglers during the period of revolutionary and carbonari uprisings. Now, completely restored by the municipality, it is a museum and hosts exhibitions, conferences, and concerts. Moreover, it is one of the detached seats of the International Lyric Academy Katia Ricciarelli.

Maddalena Rosa Notari

Capriglia is the birthplace of Maddalena Rosa Notari, better known as Servant of God Maria Pia Della Croce, the founder of the Crucified Adorers of the Eucharist Sisters. This religious figure represents a testimony of faith and dedication to the village and the surrounding territory.

I recommend visiting Capriglia and its surroundings, discovering a hamlet that encloses history, art, faith, and culinary delights.

Camilla Ricci
Wrote by Camilla Ricci
Updated Saturday, Dec 31, 2022