Pellegrino Parmense

A journey through the history of Pellegrino Parmense

Hello friends! Today I want to take you on a journey through the history of Pellegrino Parmense, a municipality in the province of Parma located in the northern part of the Ceno valley. The history of the territory of Pellegrino Parmense dates back to the fourth millennium BC, when the first cultivation of some plots of land near the Stirone stream was undertaken. Over the centuries, the territory was inhabited by various peoples, including the Lombards who settled in the area of the castle of Pellegrino Parmense.

The Pallavicino family and the powerful Pallavicino state

In 981, the Holy Roman Emperor Otto II of Germany invested Adalbert of Baden with the fief of Pellegrino, which he elevated to the rank of marquisate and began the construction of the castle. Over the centuries, the territory was repeatedly contested by Parma and Piacenza. In 1249, Marquis Oberto II Pallavicino, ferocious Ghibelline leader, was invested by Emperor Frederick II of Swabia with numerous castles in the Parmense area, which constituted the first nucleus of the powerful Pallavicino State.

Parmesan Pilgrim: history, castles and curiosities.

The conquest of Alessandro Sforza and the marquisate

In the following centuries, the fief of Pellegrino was conquered by Alessandro Sforza in 1449 and was acquired by Gabriella Gonzaga, wife of Corrado Fogliani, half-brother of Duke Francesco Sforza, in 1472. Duke Galeazzo Maria Sforza elevated the fief of Pellegrino to marquisate again and assigned it to cousin Lodovico Fogliani, whom he also granted the privilege of adding the surname Sforza to his own.

The walls and the purchase by the Piccinino family

In 1428, the troops of the Duke of Milan, Filippo Maria Visconti, led by the mercenary captain Niccolò Piccinino, prevailed over the defenses of the fortress; Marquis Manfredo Pallavicino was arrested and forced under torture to confess to conspiring against the Duke, who sentenced him to death and confiscated all his assets. In 1438, the reduced county of Pellegrino was assigned to the Piccinino family, who fortified the castle with a new wall; the count was succeeded by his sons, Francesco Piccinino and Jacopo Piccinino.

Curiosities about the municipality

Here are some curiosities about the municipality of Pellegrino Parmense. The municipality has only 970 inhabitants, but the history of this territory is very ancient and interesting. There are several villages in the area, including Besozzola and Ceriato. The village of Ceriato has been mentioned in this text, as it is believed to have been one of the first inhabited places in the area.


Well, friends, I hope you enjoyed our journey through the history of Pellegrino Parmense. This municipality has revealed many interesting aspects of the history of Emilia Romagna. We can't wait to take you on a discovery of other places!

Luca Bianchi
Wrote by Luca Bianchi
Updated Friday, Feb 4, 2022