
Welcome to Pelago!

Hello everyone! Today I will talk to you about Pelago, a municipality in Tuscany located between the Apennines, Pratomagno and the Valdisieve. Pelago is a place where nature and culture come together to create a breathtaking scenery. Let's discover together the wonders of this place!

Physical Geography

Pelago covers an area of about 54 square kilometers and is located between the course of the Arno and the Sieve. Its territory offers many opportunities for nature lovers, thanks to the presence of a countryside cultivated with olive trees and vines, but also of forests and numerous watercourses that branch out in all directions. Pelago is a hub of connections, roads and railways, which makes it easily accessible from all neighboring municipalities.

Pelago: history, nature, and art in Tuscany.


The climate of Pelago is classified as zone E and has a very high atmospheric diffusivity, which makes the air clean and healthy for those who live there or are visiting.


Pelago is a very ancient place that was inhabited since prehistoric times, then passed under the influence of the Etruscans and the Romans. In the Middle Ages it became very important thanks to its strategic position and the presence of towers, castles, villas and farmhouses. The historic center of Pelago depended on the castle of the Guidi Counts, which was the property of the Cattanei. During the Middle Ages, Pelago was the scene of clashes between Guelphs and Ghibellines. During World War II, the inhabitants of the historic center of Pelago rose up against the Nazi fascists and were subjected to one of the most ferocious reprisals by the Nazi troops, who brutally slaughtered nineteen of its citizens, including women and children, forcibly taken from their homes and fields.

Monuments and places of interest

Within the territory of Pelago there are many places of historical and artistic interest, such as the Church of San Clemente and the Oratory of the Most Holy Crucifix. The Church of San Clemente is a very ancient building that has a particular history; its original structure was in Romanesque style, but over the years it underwent many restorations, so that today almost no trace remains of it. Inside the church, it is possible to admire the scagliola altar of 1695 and the baptismal font in a niche carved into the serena stone, dating back to the eighteenth century. The church also has a museum of sacred art. The Oratory of the Most Holy Crucifix, on the other hand, is a religious building built in the fifteenth century and restored to its ancient splendor after an important restoration in 1738 and an expansion in the thirties.

Pelago is a charming place for all tourists who love peace and tranquility, immersed in still unspoiled nature. I hope this article has helped you learn more about this beautiful municipality and that you can soon visit it in person. Enjoy your visit to Pelago!

Matteo Ferrari
Updated Sunday, Sep 4, 2022