
Welcome to Peia! An introduction to the town

Hello everybody! In this short essay, I will tell you about Peia, a town located in the province of Bergamo in Lombardy, Italy. Peia, or as the locals call it ''Pèa'', has a population of about 1739 inhabitants and is one of the hidden gems of the val Gandino.

Peia: territory, history, and traditions.

Physical Geography


Used to city life, I was enchanted by the natural beauty of Peia. The municipality is located in the South East portion of the val Gandino and is characterized by a territory that ranges from the valley bottoms to the 1,206 meters of Mount Pizzetto. It can be classified as a medium-high mountain municipality, with deep alluvial furrows and river terraces.

Boundaries and inhabited centers

Peia's administrative boundaries are delimited to the Northwest by the Romna stream, which delimits it with Gandino, and continues Northeast up the slopes of Mount Pizzetto, a watershed with the val Cavallina and the municipalities of Ranzanico and Bianzano. The boundary closes to the West, following the orographic course of the small valley of Tre Fontane, shared with the adjoining municipality of Leffe, creating a solution of residential continuity in the valley bottom area.

The inhabited center, located at about 570 meters above sea level, develops on the slopes of Mount Pizzetto and is composed of fourteen districts: Peia Bassa, Ca' Basi, Ca' Bertocchi, Ca' Bettera, Ca' Biadoni, Ca' Bosio, Ca' Brignoli, Ca' Fragia, Ca' Marino, Ca' Orazio, Ca' Predali, Ca' Rottigni, Ca' Zenucchi and Cima Peia. These nuclei, named after the families that historically inhabited them, have in many cases merged together.

Hydrography and springs

The watercourse with the highest flow rate is the Romna, which runs through most of the val Gandino and flows in the lowest part of the municipal territory, in the industrial zone. Equally important is the Rino, a stream that originates between the Boala and Vecchia valleys and, after receiving other small streams, enters the territory of Leffe, flowing into the Romna to the Southwest. Also noteworthy are the numerous springs present in the area, including the Scarpaeta spring and the Lino pool in Poiana.


Origins and evolution

Peia has a long history. The first traces of human presence in the area date back to the Roman era, although the first documents attesting to the existence of a settlement only date back to 793 AD. Over the following centuries, Peia became part of the County of Brembate, then in 1355 passed under the control of the Serene Republic of Venice. In 1797, with the fall of Venice, Peia passed into the hands of the Austrians and then followed the events of Lombardy under French domination. In 1815, with the Congress of Vienna, Peia returned to Austrian hands, then becoming part of the Kingdom of Italy in 1861.

Life in Peia in the 20th century

Life in Peia in the 20th century was characterized by a strong industrial activity, especially in the field of textile production. However, in the '60s, the economic crisis led to the closure of the main factories, causing a strong social and demographic decline in the area. In the following years, Peia began a slow economic recovery, leading to the birth of small businesses and the rediscovery of mountain tourism.

Notes on local culture and traditions

Peia is a place rich in traditions and culture. One of the most important events that takes place every year is the San Giovanni Fair, held on June 24th. The fair, which boasts a tradition of over four hundred years, is one of the oldest in the area and is characterized by the presence of numerous gastronomic and local handicraft stands. Other important events are the Polenta Festival, organized every year in August, and the Hunter's Festival, which takes place in October.

Peia is also famous for its cuisine, characterized by the presence of meat dishes and typical local vegetable products. Among the most famous local dishes are polenta taragna, bresaola, and Branzi cheese.


Peia is an enchanting place that deserves to be visited. Its history, culture, and geographical location make it unique in the Lombardy landscape. I hope to have piqued your curiosity and to see you soon in Peia!

Simone Costa
Wrote by Simone Costa
Updated Sunday, Mar 20, 2022