
Welcome to Casali del Manco

Hello everyone! Today we'll talk a bit about the history and curiosities of Casali del Manco, an Italian municipality in the province of Cosenza in Calabria. With a population of about 9500 inhabitants, it was established on May 5, 2017, thanks to a referendum that provided for the merger of five municipalities: Casole Bruzio, Pedace, Serra Pedace, Spezzano Piccolo, and Trenta.

Historical Roots

The name "Casali" has very ancient origins dating back even before the year 1000. Originally, the Casale was a community with its own administrative organization. Over the centuries, it underwent several modifications and changes, both from an administrative and territorial point of view. However, each community has maintained its own cultural identity.

Until the 19th century, the casali included in the five municipalities were fourteen in total, but only some have maintained their traditions and identifying characteristics to this day.

Casali del Manco: history, symbols and geography of the new Calabrian reality.

Creation of Casali del Manco

The process of merging five municipalities to form Casali del Manco was only recently considered and ratified by a referendum held on March 26, 2017. All municipalities voted in favor except Spezzano Piccolo, which voted against. However, the merger process went ahead despite the unfavorable result in the municipality of Spezzano Piccolo.


Casali del Manco has a coat of arms and a Gonfalone that were granted by a decree of the president of the Republic on August 25, 2020. The coat of arms was chosen through a popular consultation in 2018 and represents a flowering tree. The central trunk represents the unity of the new municipality while the rose petals symbolize the five municipalities that formed it and the twelve little flowers represent the hamlets, also called "Casali" or "Baglive".


The territory of Casali del Manco is characterized by the presence of Mount Botte Donato, which reaches an altitude of 1928 m above sea level and is the highest peak in the Sila. The municipality has a minimum altitude of 245 meters above sea level in the locality of Morelli.


And with this, we conclude our brief journey into the history and geography of Casali del Manco. Despite its young age as a municipality, it has deep roots and a strong cultural identity. If you are in the area or want to visit Calabria, don't hesitate to stop by Casali del Manco to discover its natural and cultural beauties. See you soon!

Paola Santoro
Wrote by Paola Santoro
Updated Saturday, May 28, 2022