
Welcome to Montecchio!

Hello everyone! Today I will talk about a small Tuscan hamlet that has stolen my heart: Montecchio! Located in the municipality of Peccioli, in the province of Pisa, this village is a true hidden gem among the hills.

Description of the territory

Montecchio sits on a sandy spur about 200 meters above sea level and overlooks the right bank of the Era river. But not only that, this area is full of surprises and natural beauties. The natural springs near the town have an ancient history and are still used to irrigate crops. The most famous of these springs is located a few steps from the center and still boasts its medieval structure.

Moreover, between the "Via del Molino" and the town, the Racosa originates, a real natural gem that incises a narrow and suggestive valley. In the surroundings of the hamlet, we also find "Le Serre", an important rural area that connects the village to other surrounding areas, following the Racosa stream. The vegetation is typical of the Mediterranean scrub with oak trees and numerous other species.

To the south of the center of Montecchio flows the Era river, which forms a wide alluvial plain intensively used for crops. In the past, there were also some mills, which today are only a memory of the past.

Montecchio: medieval gem among the Tuscan hills

History of Montecchio

Like every place in Tuscany, Montecchio has an ancient history and has been inhabited since the Etruscan era. In fact, not far from the village, we find the Bosco di Ortaglia, where the homonymous temple is located, which, unfortunately, is now in ruins. Over time, numerous remains of Etruscan presence have been found, later deposited at the Archaeological Museum of Peccioli or at the Museum of Volterra.

Several sandy areas in Montecchio have been excavated in ancient times to create underground galleries, which were used as cellars, storerooms or even as secret passages. This testifies to the human presence even in past epochs.

What to do in Montecchio

In addition to Montecchio's natural wonders, the village also offers some activities to do. You can take a walk along the white roads that connect the village to the surrounding areas, or visit the center of the village with its Romanesque bell tower, the church of San Bartolomeo and the Dovizi fountain.

But not only that, this village is perfect for food lovers! There are restaurants and taverns that serve typical Tuscan dishes and, in particular, from the Valdera area. Don't miss the opportunity to taste homemade "pici," "ribollita," and "cacciucco."

If you are a fan of cultural events, Montecchio will also offer you some interesting exhibitions. In particular, I recommend that you participate in the "Sagra Paesana di San Nicola" held at the beginning of December, a festival dedicated to local delicacies and the culture of the territory.


In conclusion, Montecchio is a small Tuscan village that will leave you speechless. Its natural beauty, ancient history, and good food will make your stay unforgettable. Don't miss the opportunity to visit this hidden gem among the Tuscan hills!

Francesco Serra
Updated Monday, Feb 20, 2023