Pavullo nel Frignano

Pavullo nel Frignano: an overview of the territory

Hello! Today I'm talking about Pavullo nel Frignano, a municipality located in the province of Modena in Emilia-Romagna. With its 18,110 inhabitants, Pavullo nel Frignano is the second largest municipality in the province and represents the main center of the historic region of Frignano. We are in the heart of northern Italy, specifically in the south central area of Emilia-Romagna.

Physical geography

The territory of Pavullo nel Frignano is truly large, even exceeding some provincial capitals in Italy. Located on the hills that divide the valleys of the Panaro and Secchia rivers, the territory is surrounded by ridges of different heights, including the peaks of Montecuccolo and Gaiato. In fact, the minimum altitude recorded is 372 meters, while the maximum altitude reached is 926 meters (the peak of Torre di Gaiato), for an elevation range of 854 meters. The majority of the territory is hilly, constituting about 69% of the municipal area, while the remaining 31% is mountainous.

Pavullo nel Frignano: Territory, Climate and History

Political geography

Pavullo nel Frignano is located 86 km southwest of Bologna and 52 km south of Modena. Additionally, 45 km north of the Tuscan border with Abetone, the municipality represents an important geographical hub for the surrounding area. Furthermore, the Union of Frignano Municipalities has made Pavullo its capital, demonstrating the importance of the municipal area in the region.


Speaking of the climate of Pavullo nel Frignano, we can't fail to mention the seasonal variation. During the winter, for example, temperatures can reach even 10 degrees below zero, while in summer temperatures can easily reach 30 degrees. Autumn and spring, on the other hand, are characterized by more rain. Additionally, weather can be variable for much of the year.


The history of Pavullo nel Frignano is very interesting, as the name of the municipality itself derives from the word "paule" or "marsh", the marsh near which it was founded and which remains partially visible at the edge of the town to the south. The area, initially affected by Ligurian and Celtic settlements, was later conquered by the Roman Empire, which established a real military camp in these places while maintaining the pre-existing organization of the territory. The medieval castle structure known as Castrum Feronianum seems to derive precisely from this Roman defensive structure. Over time, the organization of the churches gradually replaced the military organization, leading to a new balance of the territory.

In conclusion, Pavullo nel Frignano represents an important municipality in the province of Modena, characterized by its vast extension and strategic position. The seasonal variation of the climate, together with the history of the territory, focused mainly on the Roman era, constitute unique elements that make Pavullo a municipality to visit and discover.

Martina Caruso
Updated Friday, Feb 11, 2022