
Fossarmato: a millenary history

Hello everyone! Today I will tell you about Fossarmato, a hamlet of the municipality of Pavia with a millennial history. I don't know about you, but I love discovering new curiosities about the places around me, especially when it comes to locations like this, which have seen centuries of history pass by.

The area where Fossarmato stands was already inhabited in prehistoric times, but the first mention of the place dates back to the 12th century, when a document from the Basilica of San Pietro in Ciel d'Oro mentioned it as ''Fossa de Armatis''. In the 14th century, Fossarmato had a castle, owned by the Avvocati family of Pavia, which was part of the ''Campagna Sottana'' and was governed by a Consul and a salaried Chancellor. In 1805, Fossarmato became a third-class municipality of the Olona department, and in 1816 it joined the Belgioioso district of the Province of Pavia. In 1939 it was abolished and merged with Pavia, except for the hamlet of Prado, which passed to Cura Carpignano.

Fossarmato: a small community

Let's now move on to curiosities about the society of Fossarmato. Did you know that in 1576, this hamlet had only 200 inhabitants? Over the centuries, the population has slowly increased: in 1751, there were only 130, but in 1881 they even reached 1174. Today, unfortunately, the situation is very different: in 2017 there were only 585. However, in any case, Fossarmato remains a very welcoming community, ideal for those who love to breathe the air of the countryside.

Fossarmato: Millennial history of a small community.


So, now you know a bit more about Fossarmato, a hamlet of the municipality of Pavia with a millennial history. It doesn't happen every day to discover that the place where you live has such a rich and fascinating past!

Matteo Ferrari
Updated Wednesday, Mar 30, 2022