Pavia di Udine

Welcome to Udine: a small city rich in history and culture

Today we will take you on a journey to discover Udine, a small city located in the center of Friuli-Venezia Giulia, a region in northeastern Italy. With a population of approximately 97,796 inhabitants, Udine is considered one of the historical capitals of the region, after Aquileia and Cividale del Friuli.

The origins of the name Udine

The toponym "Udine" has pre-Latin origins and may derive from the root *oudh-/*udh-, which means "breast" or "hill", followed by a suffix that is not entirely clear. The city has a long history and has been ruled by many different populations, including the Lombards. In addition, the Slovenian name for the city, "Videm", is a hypercorrection that was developed in the 19th century.

Discover Udine: history, culture, and gastronomy in a small city.

The physical geography of Udine

Udine is located in the center of the Veneto-Friulian plain, a few kilometers from the hilly area. It is crossed by the Cormor and Torre streams and is located on an isolated hill, on top of which is the Castle of Udine. Although the hill was thought to be formed of ancient conglomerate rocks, recent archaeological excavations have shown that it is an artificial relief, devoid of rocks.

The climate of Udine

Udine has a temperate continental climate, with rather high temperatures in summer and relatively cold temperatures in winter. However, the climate is less continentalized than other cities in the central and western Po Valley.

Art and culture in Udine

Udine is a city rich in art and culture, with many monuments and museums to visit. One of the city's symbolic places is the Castle of Udine, a fortress built in the 16th century that houses the civic museum. Live performances and concerts are often held at the castle.

Udine is also famous for its important university, the University of Udine, founded in 1978. The university is an important center for scientific and technological research and offers numerous degree courses in many fields.

The city also hosts the Gallery of Ancient Art, which contains many medieval and Renaissance works of art. The Church of San Giacomo, built in the 14th century, is another place of great cultural and religious interest.

What to do in Udine

In addition to visiting monuments and museums, there are many other things to do in Udine. The city is famous for its local cuisine and offers many restaurants and bars where you can taste local specialties such as "frico" (a sort of cheese and potato omelette) or local wines.

Furthermore, the city hosts many festivals and events throughout the year, including the "Festa di San Giovanni" in June, a medieval festival with juggling and flag-waving performances.

Finally, Udine is an ideal starting point for visiting the surrounding region, which offers many tourist attractions such as the mountains of the Carnic Alps or the Adriatic coast.


In summary, Udine is a city rich in history, culture, art, and good food. It is located in a strategic position and offers many tourist attractions and events throughout the year. Come and visit Udine and discover it in person!

Andrea Giordano
Updated Saturday, Jul 9, 2022