
Welcome to the Province of Oristano: a Varied and Wonderful Land!

If you're looking for a place where nature is still unspoiled, the Province of Oristano is perfect for you! Located on the enchanted island of Sardinia, this province offers a range of landscapes that span from the coast to the mountain plateaus.

Physical Geography

The territory of this province is diverse and interesting. It covers an area of 2990.45 km² and counts 87 municipalities. The southwestern part is occupied by a portion of the vast Campidano plain, while the southeastern part is home to the massif of Mount Arci. The northwestern part is instead occupied by the Massif of Montiferru, while the northeastern portion houses the plateau of Abbasanta. The coast, alternating low sandy beaches and limestone cliffs, offers an incredible sight to behold. The presence of the lagoons, moreover, constitutes the habitat of many species of birds, both stationary and migratory.

The slopes of the mountain massifs of Montiferru, Mount Arci, and the Barigadu Mountains are covered in holm oak and cork oak groves, while the Mediterranean shrub dominates along the coasts and in the plateaus.

Oristano Province: Pristine nature and unique biodiversity.


The Province of Oristano is crossed by two important rivers in Sardinia: the Tirso River, which flows into the Gulf of Oristano, and the Flumendosa River.

The Tirso River is the longest in Sardinia, with its 152 kilometers. Along its course, dams have been built in order to create water reserves and regulate its flow. Its itinerary in the Province of Oristano covers a distance of 77 km.


The Province of Oristano is an area of great importance for biodiversity. The lagoons, in particular, constitute the habitat of many species of birds, including the pink flamingo, the Italian courser, the cormorant, the gray heron, and the royal seagull.

The riparian vegetation is composed of willows, poplars, and tamarisks, while the banks of the lagoons are dominated by the halophytic vegetation.

Natural Beauties

The natural beauties of the Province of Oristano are multiple. Among the most famous natural attractions in the area are the beach of Is Arutas, composed of quartz grains that make it absolutely unique, and the waterfall of Sa Spendula, a spectacular waterfall of 30 meters in height where you can admire the power of water and the surrounding beauty.


The Province of Oristano is the ideal place to discover true Sardinian cuisine. The Mediterranean diet is one of the healthiest in the world and is based on genuine ingredients and simple flavors. Among the culinary specialties of the area, we can mention the carasau bread (a typical Sardinian focaccia), the bottarga (dried mullet eggs), the malloreddus alla campidanese (typical gnocchi with a tomato sauce), the lamb stew, and the maialetto alla vernaccia (pork roast cooked in an aromatic white wine).


The Province of Oristano is a place where nature offers an unforgettable spectacle. Between mountains, coasts, and lagoons, birds and forests, Sardinia shows its beauty and variety. If you are looking for a journey that will take you to discover our planet and get away from the stress of daily life, this province should be at the top of your list of places to visit. Come and discover the wonders of the Province of Oristano, you will be welcome!

Irene Mariani
Wrote by Irene Mariani
Updated Wednesday, Mar 16, 2022