
Discovery and Management of the Grotte di Pastena

The Grotte di Pastena is a complex of speleological cavities located in the municipality of Pastena, in the province of Frosinone, central Italy. Discovered in 1926 by Baron Carlo Franchetti, they became a tourist destination from the following year. They are currently managed by the Consorzio Grotte Pastena e Collepardo.

Geology of the Grotte di Pastena

The Grotte di Pastena are divided into two branches: the lower "active" one and the upper "fossil" one. The upper branch is defined as fossil because the process of dripping, which creates stalactites and stalagmites, has not occurred for several tens of thousands of years.

Pastena Caves: Geology, Archaeology, and Cinema

Location of the Grotte di Pastena

The site of the Grotte is located on the provincial road that connects Pastena to Castro dei Volsci, 4.5 km from the former and 9 km from the latter. Some of the nearest villages are the hamlet of Casanova-Cavatelle, in the municipality of Pastena, and Collevento, in the municipality of Castro dei Volsci.

Archaeology of the Grotte di Pastena

Numerous archaeological finds from prehistoric times, such as burials and ritual offerings, have been found in the Grotte di Pastena. Excavations carried out by the University of Perugia and the Archaeological Superintendence of Lazio between 2001 and 2008 have yielded a series of materials that are still being studied and only partially published. Among them, an axe and a bronze dagger dating back to about the 15th century BC, ritual offerings of considerable importance within the community of the period.

Film and Television in the Grotte di Pastena

The Grotte di Pastena has been the location for some scenes in important Italian productions. In 1985, actor Alberto Sordi filmed a scene from the movie "Sono un fenomeno paranormale", while in 1988 it was used for a scene from the movie "Fantozzi va in pensione", with the fiction that they were the grottoes of Postumia. In 2014, Terence Hill filmed some scenes for the TV series "Un passo dal cielo".

In conclusion, the Grotte di Pastena represent a fascinating tourist destination for enthusiasts of geology, speleology, and archaeology, as well as an evocative film location. Despite their isolated location, they are easily accessible from various cities in the area and offer the opportunity to immerse yourself in an extraordinary underground world.

Andrea Giordano
Updated Tuesday, Sep 6, 2022