Passerano Marmorito

Passerano Marmorito: an ancient history

Passerano Marmorito is a municipality located in the province of Asti, in Piedmont, which has about 420 inhabitants. Like many other lands of Monferrato, this area was inhabited by the Ligurians and subject to Roman domination. In the 9th and 10th centuries, the territory was conquered by groups of Frankish origin who settled in the area. However, information about this period is not entirely clear. The name "Passerano" dates back to 1001 AD and is probably a predial name, linked to a farm owned by a wealthy family of the time, which added the suffix "-anus" to the name "Passerius".

The medieval history of Passerano

In imperial diplomas, the place first appeared in 1164, when Emperor Frederick Barbarossa, with his second descent into Italy, managed to impose himself on the communes of northern Italy and assigned the territories of Passerano, Schierano and Primeglio (and many others belonging to the county of Cocconato) to the Marquis William V of Monferrato. Between the 12th and 13th centuries, Oberto and his son Manfredo were the local lords, in some way connected to the Marquis of Monferrato. Their supremacy over the village lasted until the mid-12th century, when in 1186, thanks to the intervention of Emperor Henry VI of Swabia, the territories of Capriglio, Marmorito, Primeglio, Schierano (and others) came under the control of the powerful family of the counts of Cocconato. In 1369, Charles IV of Bohemia again submitted the county to the marquisate of Monferrato (at that time led by the Paleologhi family), arousing the reaction of the Radicati family who, turning to the Visconti, lords of Milan, obtained the restoration of the previous situation. In 1458, the consortium, which at that time had forty lords, obtained total autonomy.

Passerano Marmorito: Ancient Land of Monferrato.

Passerano Marmorito in modern times

In 1503, Emperor Maximilian I of Austria submitted the counts of Cocconato to his son-in-law, Philibert II of Savoy, initiating a complicated diplomatic issue that did not end until Emperor Charles V restored the old privileges. In 1500, during the war between France and Spain for dominance over the continent, the county of Passerano was the scene of clashes and, in 1526, was occupied by imperial troops with the castle of Passerano under siege. It was only lifted thanks to the mediation of Marchesa Vittoria Colonna, widow of Carlo V Fernando Francesco d'Avalos. Emperor Charles V of Austria himself, with a diploma from 1530, restored the ancient autonomy of the Radicati's county, which also obtained the privilege of minting gold and silver coins.


Passerano Marmorito is an ancient land with a long and interesting history, marked by events that have crossed the entire Middle Ages and the Renaissance. Its territory, located in a strategic area of Monferrato, was conquered and disputed by various powers, becoming an integral part of a very diverse political and cultural mosaic. However, even today, Passerano Marmorito is a fascinating and welcoming place, with a unique atmosphere that combines the charm of the Middle Ages with the authenticity of Piedmontese rural life.

Fabio Marino
Wrote by Fabio Marino
Updated Sunday, Aug 28, 2022