
Vigatto: a historic district of Parma

Hello friends! Today I want to talk to you about Vigatto, a district of the municipality of Parma, located about 8 km south of the city, which has an interesting and fascinating history.

History of Vigatto

The name of the district has Latin origins: Vico (nuclei of houses more or less grouped together) and Catulo (probably the founder). Over the centuries, the name underwent several transformations, until it reached the current denomination Vigatto. The first historical references date back to 1004.

In 1806, during the First French Empire, a decree created 13 autonomous municipalities in the area around Parma, including Vigatto, which included the hamlets of Alberi, Antognano, Carignano, Corcagnano, Gaione and San Ruffino and had the seat of the municipality in Corcagnano.

Over the years, Vigatto underwent various administrative transformations, including the creation of other autonomous municipalities and aggregations to other municipalities, and in 2002 it became an autonomous district of the municipality of Parma, including the hamlets of Alberi, Carignano, Corcagnano, Gaione, Panocchia, and San Ruffino.

The story of Vigatto: historic neighborhood of Parma.

The long-standing issue of Vigatto's autonomy

The history of Vigatto has also been characterized by a long-standing issue regarding administrative autonomy. After being first an autonomous municipality, then aggregated to the municipality of Parma, and finally reconstituted as a municipality, the issue of autonomy remained unresolved for many years.

Only in 2002, it was decided to create the autonomous districts of the municipality of Parma, including Vigatto, and finally the district found its optimal administrative dimension.

Residential expansion of Vigatto

In recent years, the territory of Vigatto has seen a strong residential expansion. This district seems to be increasingly appreciated by the people of Parma who decide to move there.


In conclusion, the district of Vigatto is a historic and fascinating part of the municipality of Parma, which has gone through different historical moments and undergone many administrative transformations until it found its current location as an autonomous district of the municipality of Parma. Certainly, it is a nice place for Italians to decide to move to.

Luca Bianchi
Wrote by Luca Bianchi
Updated Saturday, Mar 26, 2022