
Hi everyone, today I will talk about Eia, a small hamlet located northwest of Parma, in the district of Golese. With its 6.24 km distance from the center of Parma, Eia is situated in a flat area at an altitude of 48 m above sea level. The hamlet is crossed by the Taro River and a canal, which are two important natural elements.

The origins of Eia

The original name of the locality was Aeli, later becoming Elia, and finally Eja. Its name probably owes to the gens Aelia, which was assigned the area following the foundation of the Roman colony of Parma. In 962, Eia was mentioned by Otto I of Saxony in an act of recognition of authority to the bishops of Parma. During the eleventh century, the Church of Sant'Egidio was built in this hamlet.

History of Eia

During the Middle Ages, the territory was divided into Centuriazione and 8 iugeri of today's Eia were assigned to the gens Aelia. In 1266, the Municipality of Parma asked the inhabitants of the localities without defense to build fortified structures near their respective churches, including that of Eia. In 1806, the hamlet became part of the Municipality of San Pancrazio Parmense, until being annexed to the Municipality of Parma in 1943. In 2002, Eia was incorporated into the district of Golese.

Eia: a fraction of Parma between history and nature.

Eia today

Thanks to its tranquil location, Eia has experienced rapid population growth in recent years, with its population doubling. Among the monuments of this hamlet, the Church of Sant'Egidio is a must-see. The chapel dates back to the eleventh century and has undergone numerous modifications over the centuries, until taking on the current neoclassical-style layout with three aisles. Other important localities around Eia are San Pancrazio Parmense and Golese.


Eia is a small hamlet of Parma that encloses a long history and numerous places of cultural interest. Its flat location and the presence of the Taro River make it a peaceful and enjoyable place to live. If you happen to find yourself in Parma, do not miss the opportunity to visit Eia and discover its beauty.

Luca Bianchi
Wrote by Luca Bianchi
Updated Saturday, Mar 26, 2022