
La piccola Casaltone

Hello everyone! Today I want to talk to you about Casaltone, a small Italian hamlet with a very unique history. Located north of Sorbolo Mezzani and south of Parma, it has only 349 inhabitants but has a very ancient history.

Physical geography

The location is situated in a flat position at 37 meters above sea level, close to the left bank of the Enza stream. Despite being close to some of the larger cities in the area, Casaltone is a peaceful place where nature is still an integral part of the landscape.

Casaltone: History, Nature, and Points of Interest


Casaltone is a hamlet with a very long and ancient history, dating back to the Bronze Age. In 945 it was first mentioned with the name "Casale Toloni," while a document from 1005 calls it "Casale Ottoni." During World War II, Casaltone was the setting of a terrible massacre perpetrated by retreating German soldiers between April 23 and 24, 1945, which resulted in the death of 21 civilians.

Massacre of April 24, 1945

This is a very sad chapter in the history of Casaltone, but it is important to remember what happened. In memory of the victims, a marble monument was erected in the center of the village.

Earthquake of July 1971

The locality was heavily hit by an earthquake which almost completely destroyed it in 1971. The Church of the Purification of the Virgin Mary, which had been present for centuries in the landscape of the hamlet, was completely destroyed. Fortunately, today it has been almost completely rebuilt, saving some artistic treasures.

Flood of 1972

Just one year later, in 1972, Casaltone was hit by a flood wave that caused widespread flooding in the surrounding areas.

Monuments and places of interest

Church of the Purification of the Virgin Mary

The church, present for centuries in the heart of the hamlet, was destroyed by the earthquake of 1971. Fortunately, it has been almost completely rebuilt.

Ceci Villa

The building, located in the area of the hamlet called "Il Buc," is one of the major monuments of Casaltone. Built in the seventeenth century by the Garbarini counts, it is an imposing structure with a large family crest.

At the end of the daily toils, Casaltone offers a chance to relax in the tranquility of the Parma countryside. If you want to visit an interesting and lesser-known area, I recommend checking out Casaltone!

Luca Bianchi
Wrote by Luca Bianchi
Updated Saturday, Mar 26, 2022