

Hello friends! Today I want to tell you about the Battle of Parabiago, a conflict that took place in 1339 between the Milanese troops and the rebels of the Company of St. George, led by Lodrisio Visconti, who wanted to take control of the city-state of Milan. But let's take it from the beginning!


It all began in 1327 with the death of the Lord of Milan Galeazzo I Visconti, who left his son Azzone as the only heir. In 1332, the young Azzone and his uncles Luchino and Giovanni Visconti joined the government, while Lodrisio, the other uncle, unsuccessfully tried to overthrow them with various conspiracies. Forced to flee to Verona, Lodrisio formed an army mainly composed of Germans and Swiss, the Company of St. George.

The Battle of Parabiago: The Victory of the Viscontis.


Lodrisio formed alliances with his nephew's enemies, including the Scaligeri and the Lord of Novara, while Azzone agreed to some alliances with Louis of Savoy, the Duchy of Ferrara, the Signories of Mantua, Saluzzo, and the Patriarchate of Aquileia. Lodrisio began to move his troops from Veneto, clashing with the Milanese army near Rivolta d'Adda. Lodrisio then took Cernusco sul Naviglio, Sesto San Giovanni, and Legnano.

Azzone's Army Preparations

However, reinforcements arrived in favor of Azzone: soldiers led by Roberto Villani arrived from Ferrara, and the Vicar was able to organize himself against his rival. He stationed troops in some villages in the area, in Parabiago the vanguards, in Nerviano the center of the defense under the uncle Luchino Visconti, in Rho Villani controlled the rearguard, while in Milan Azzone accompanied by his uncle Archbishop John led the defense militias within the walls.

The Clash

On February 21st, 1339, the decisive clash took place. Uncle Luchino decided to move his troops against Lodrisio's at Nerviano, but he was defeated. Lodrisio then decided to march on the rearguard in Rho, but was defeated again. Azzone's army then arrived, managing to repel the enemy and capture Lodrisio.


This battle was important because it marked Azzone's definitive victory over Lodrisio, and made the Visconti's dominion over the city-state of Milan stable for many years to come. I hope you enjoyed my brief description of the Battle of Parabiago, see you soon friends!

Elisa Lombardi
Updated Tuesday, Jun 28, 2022