
The Relaxing Province of Benevento: A Guide to Geography and Climate

Welcome to the relaxing province of Benevento, one of the Italian provinces located in the region of Campania. With its population of 263,460 and a surface area of approximately 55.59 km from north to south and 67 km from east to west, this province offers a beautiful view of the surrounding mountains and river valleys that run through it. Let's explore the geography and climate of this province in detail.

Physical Geography: A Large Basin between Mountains

The province of Benevento borders Molise, Puglia, the metropolitan city of Naples, and the provinces of Avellino and Caserta. It's located in the southern Apennines between the Sannio Apennines and the Campanian Apennines. Its shape is that of a large basin that extends almost entirely in the Calore Irpino - Volturno basin, except for the northeast corner, which is in the upper Fortore basin. The mountains that surround Benevento are Matese, Sannio, the monti della Daunia, Irpinia, the monti del Partenio, and monti Tifata.

Geographic and Climatic Guide to the Province of Benevento.

The Climate of the Province of Benevento

The climate of the province of Benevento produces cold winters with frequent frosts and morning frost after clear nights. The lower areas of the Apennines experience thermal inversion, leading to a significant drop in temperature after sunset. Additionally, precipitation is scarce throughout the territory with accumulations of 600-700 mm per year. The exception is the foothill areas near the border with Molise, where annual precipitation can reach 2000 mm due to orographic elevation induced by Matese. Snowfall is abundant in the mountains of the province of Benevento and Matese, especially above 400-500 m above sea level. Although rare, snow can also reach the lowest altitudes in the event of a cold outbreak from the Balkans. A summer in the province of Benevento can be very hot and humid.

Mountains of the Province of Benevento

The province of Benevento is crossed by three of its major rivers, Tammaro, Miscano, and Ufita, which join the Calore to form three valleys. Examined from a sectoral point of view, the province is divided into the following sectors: southeast between Sabato and the middle Calore, north between the middle Calore and Tammaro, northwest between Tammaro and the lower Calore, and finally, southwest between the lower Calore and Sabato.

In summary, the province of Benevento is an ideal place for those who want to relax and admire the beauty of the mountains while breathing in the fresh air of the valleys. With a cool winter and a hot summer climate, this territory offers a variety of landscapes and different atmospheres in every season of the year.

Antonio Bruno
Wrote by Antonio Bruno
Updated Monday, Apr 18, 2022