
A town with an extraordinary cultural and artistic heritage

Panicale is a town that possesses an extraordinary cultural and artistic heritage. Among the city's works of art, the Church of San Sebastiano stands out, which houses a valuable wooden sculpture depicting San Sebastiano, the Church of Sant'Agostino, the Church of San Michele Arcangelo and the Church of San Sebastiano.

Furthermore, Panicale is famous for its medieval fortress, built in the 12th century and restored in the 16th century. The fortress was equipped with a drawbridge, battlemented towers and a defensive wall to protect the town. Currently, the fortress houses a collection of antique objects and artistic artifacts, including ceramics, antique furniture and weapons.

Events and festivals

Panicale is a town that offers many opportunities for leisure and entertainment. Every year several events and festivals take place, including the "Palio dei Terzieri", the "tordo" festival and the "Festa di San Michele Arcangelo". The "Palio dei Terzieri" is a crossbow competition that takes place over three different days and involves the three districts of the town: Borgo, Colle and Casalini. The "tordo" festival is a popular celebration that takes place at the end of September and includes a tordo shooting competition, a culinary specialty of the area. The "Festa di San Michele Arcangelo" is instead a religious celebration that takes place on 29 September and includes a procession with the statue of the saint through the streets of the town.

Panicale: history, culture and gastronomy in a unique city.

Cuisine and typical products

Panicale is a town that offers many gastronomic delicacies. Among the typical products of the area, the bread of Panicale, the white meat of veal and the red wine produced in the surrounding hills stand out. Additionally, the area is particularly known for the production of extra virgin olive oil, typical cheeses such as pecorino and caciotta and legumes, including the famous Trasimeno beans.


In conclusion, Panicale is a town with ancient charm and a millennia-old history. Within its streets, one can breathe in the atmosphere of a bygone era, made up of ancient traditions, art and culture. The town offers many opportunities for leisure and entertainment through events and festivals, without forgetting the gastronomic delicacies of the area. If you visit Panicale, you will not fail to be fascinated by the beauty of the place and its millennia-old history.

Federico Conte
Updated Thursday, Feb 2, 2023