
The Municipality of Pandino: the story of its origin and growth

Hello friends, today I am going to tell you about Pandino, an Italian municipality in the province of Cremona, in Lombardy. With its 8888 inhabitants, Pandino is a medium-sized city that has an interesting history behind it.

Origin of the name

The name Pandino derives from the personal name Pandino, which in turn derives from Bando/Pando, of Germanic origin.

Pandino: the story of a medieval city in Lombardy.


Middle Ages

During the Middle Ages, Pandino belonged to the territory of Milan and was part of the Gera d'Adda, while the hamlets of Gradella and Nosadello belonged to the Contado of Lodi. The first documented historical mention of Pandino dates back to 1144, when the parish church was subject to the jurisdiction of the church of S. Sigismondo in Rivolta d'Adda.

The village was formed by a few houses and was located in an area mainly covered by forests, with some vineyards and pastures.

In the course of the 14th century, Bernabò Visconti, lord of Milan, had a hunting castle built there, which became an attraction for people hoping to find work there. This led to an increase in population and the expansion of the village.

In the following century, the Sforza ordered the pandinesi to build a ring wall to protect the village from the Venetians. At the same time, the church of S. Marta was erected in front of the castle and the Madonna of rest appeared, leading to the construction of the sanctuary in her honor.

The Venetians conquered the village twice, but lost it after the battle of Agnadello in 1509. However, later the Venetians ransacked Pandino as they left Crema.

Modern Age

In 1786 Pandino was included in the Province of Lodi, which was part of Austrian Lombardy. In 1791 it became part of the Province of Milan again.

The parish church was rebuilt in neoclassical forms in the early 1700s, replacing the old medieval church. During the Napoleonic era between 1809 and 1816, the city of Pandino joined Gradella and Nosadello, which previously belonged to the provinces of Lodi-Crema and subsequently Cremona.


In conclusion, Pandino has a long and interesting history behind it, which has seen the city grow from medieval times to the present day. The historic center still retains its ancient charm, with the church of S. Marta and the Castle of Bernabò Visconti, which now houses the city hall. If you have the opportunity to visit Pandino, you will discover a place full of history and culture to appreciate!

Erica Ferrari
Wrote by Erica Ferrari
Updated Saturday, Sep 10, 2022