
Discovering Rivo

Hi everyone! Today I'll be talking about Rivo, a geographic locality in the municipality of Paluzza, in the province of Udine. Rivo is located in the upper valley of the Bût River, on the left bank of the river, and on the slope of the northeast side of Mount Rivo (1,575 m).

Origin of the name

The name Rivo derives from its geographic location, as the village is bordered by three rivers: to the north by the "Riu di Gjambe," to the south by the "Riu di Cente," and is crossed by the "Riu Bajarz". Because of its location, its inhabitants were nicknamed "Crots" (frogs, in the Carnian dialect) in reference to the many frogs that have always been present in the area.

Rivo: a small oasis of history and nature.

History of the village

Like all towns in Carnia, Rivo has undergone changes in population over the centuries. In 1903 it reached a population of 538 residents, reaching a maximum of 641 people in 1921. In 2010, it had 212 inhabitants: 98 males and 114 females. In the post-war period, the village underwent significant improvements in road and sanitation infrastructure, with new roads, the sewage system, and the renewal of public lighting.

Life in the village

Rivo includes both the old part of the village, with rustic houses and charming alleyways, and the more modern industrial area. Currently, the village is experiencing a new period of rebirth with numerous renovations of ancient houses. If you have the opportunity to visit, you can admire small suggestive streets and corners.


In summary, Rivo is a small village immersed in nature, with a long history behind it, that is reviving and renewing. If you are looking for a quiet place to spend some time, Rivo is the place for you. I hope you enjoyed this summary. See you soon!

Andrea Giordano
Updated Sunday, Dec 4, 2022