
Welcome to Palomonte: a guide to discovering the town in the province of Salerno

Palomonte is a town in the province of Salerno, in the Campania region, which has a population of approximately 3,722 inhabitants. The town is characterized by a rocky peak situated between the Tanagro valley and the mountain group of Marzano-Eremita, which gives it a particular conical shape.

Physical geography

The territory of Palomonte is very interesting from a geological and landscape point of view. The northern area of the municipal territory, characterized by a small plain, was once occupied by Lake Palo, which was drained in the nineteenth century. The area is classified as zone 2 (medium-high seismicity) and the average temperature of the coldest month, January, is +6.9°C, while that of the hottest month, July, is +24.5°C.

Discover Palomonte: history, nature, and gastronomy of the province of Salerno.


The very ancient origin of settlements in the territory of Palomonte makes this town a repository of important cultural elements. During the Kingdom of Naples and the Kingdom of the Two Sicilies, called Palo, the town was an administrative hamlet administered by the municipality of Contursi Terme and belonging to the District of Campagna. With the annexation of the Principality of Citra to the Kingdom of Sardinia, the name was changed following the Royal Decree no. 935 of 1862, to Palomonte.

Monuments and places of interest

Among the religious buildings to visit in Palomonte, there are the Sanctuary of Santa Maria di Sperlonga and the Mother Church of Santa Croce. The former is located in the countryside of Palomonte on the border with the municipalities of Contursi Terme and Sicignano degli Alburni, built in the tenth century. Inside are frescoes dating back to the eleventh century depicting S.Cosma, S.Saba and the remains of the Ascension of the Madonna. In the upper part, the "Madonna Odigitria" is depicted, venerated in Constantinople and especially by monks in southern Italy.

The Mother Church of Santa Croce is instead the main church of Palomonte, located in the center. It is a religious building in Baroque style, built in the eighteenth century.

What to do in Palomonte

In Palomonte, you can enjoy the beauty of the landscape and surrounding nature. You can go hiking in the mountains of Marzano-Eremita or along the Tanagro river. In addition, the municipality organizes various events that attract tourists from all over the world. One of the most significant moments is the feast of the patron saint Sant'Angelo Martire, on February 5th.

Moreover, Palomonte offers the opportunity to taste typical dishes of Campania cuisine, such as the famous limoncello, made with lemons from the area, or buffalo mozzarella cheese, to be enjoyed with a good glass of Falanghina wine.


In conclusion, Palomonte is an interesting town to visit, both for the beauty of the landscape and surrounding nature, and for its history and monuments. From an enogastronomic point of view, you can taste typical dishes of Campania cuisine, which represent a real treasure of the territory. And if you are looking for an authentic and colorful festival, the feast of Sant'Angelo Martire on February 5th is an event not to be missed!

Camilla Ricci
Wrote by Camilla Ricci
Updated Thursday, Mar 10, 2022