Palma Campania

Palma Campania: a charming place where history meets modernity

Palma Campania is a municipality in the Metropolitan City of Naples, located in the inland east of the city. With a population of around 16,370 inhabitants, the town is a city rich in history and culture, attracting visitors from all over the world.

Physical geography

The territory of Palma Campania extends at the foot of Monte Sant'Angelo, between the Moschiano stream and the Somma stream. This privileged position, in the ancient province of Terra di Lavoro, offers the municipality an extraordinarily suggestive landscape and a pleasant climate.

Palma Campania: history, art and tradition in a fascinating city.


The town is not far from the ancient Roman station of ''Ad Teglanum'' and its history dates back to the imperial era. It was destroyed in 512 AD by the eruption of Vesuvius, but the inhabitants moved to a nearby hill where the nucleus of the new village of Palma was born, taking its name from an olive tree that stood nearby.

The oldest historical document in which the town is mentioned dates back to 997, but the events of the town are linked to illustrious families such as the Di Palma Castiglione, the Orsini, the Della Tolfa, the Pignatelli, the Di Bologna, the Caracciolo, the Saluzzo and the Compagna. The ancient name "Palma di Nola" was changed by royal decree-law of 1863 to "Palma Campania".


The coat of arms and flag of the municipality were granted by decree of the President of the Republic on October 29, 2012. The flag is a blue banner.

Monuments and places of interest

The municipality of Palma Campania boasts numerous churches that testify to the richness of the religious traditions of the area. The Church of San Michele Arcangelo, located in Largo Parrocchia, the Church of Mater Dei, the Church of Ss. Rosario and Corpo Di Cristo, the Church of Santa Maria dell’Arco, the Church of San Nicola di Bari and the Church of Santi Giovanni e Martino are some of the most famous churches in the city.

In addition, there are also many historical buildings that are worth a visit. Palazzo Compagna was built by King Alfonso V of Aragon in the 15th century and is located within the hunting estate of the Angevins. Here one can admire some medallions by Luca della Robbia. Palazzo De Martino is another historic building that dates back to the Bourbon era.


The foreign resident population is 2,975 people, with the majority of Bengali (12.88%) and Ukrainian (1.44%) origins. The city is therefore rich in cultural and ethnic diversity, which makes the municipality even more interesting.

The Carnevale delle Quadriglie

One of the most important events in Palma Campania is certainly the Carnevale delle Quadriglie. This event, which has been taking place for over a hundred years, gathers dozens of live concerts, hundreds of musicians and over a thousand percussionists playing typical traditional instruments.

The Carnevale delle Quadriglie is much more than a party: it is a multisensory experience, where colors, smells, tastes and sounds come together to create a unique and exciting atmosphere. The Quadriglie, as journalist-writer Pasquale Iorio defines them, are a kind of party platoon, where joy is the protagonist.


Palma Campania is a municipality that deserves to be discovered. Its millennial history blends harmoniously with modernity, creating a unique and fascinating atmosphere. Thanks to its monuments, churches and people, the city represents an ideal destination for those who want to discover the essence of Campania.

Paola Santoro
Wrote by Paola Santoro
Updated Tuesday, Jan 11, 2022