
Biestro: a historic village in the province of Savona

Biestro is a small municipal village located in the province of Savona, in Liguria. With only 68 inhabitants, it is the only fraction of the municipality of Pallare. This small locality has a very interesting history and there are monuments and places of interest that are witnesses to its rich history.

History of Biestro

The territory of Biestro has a millenary history, having been included in the Roman Empire and then passing under the Aleramic march. In the twelfth century, the village of Biestro became part of the domains of the Del Carretto family. In 1111, the name Biestro appears for the first time in a document, while in 1245 the first parish church of the village, the current Oratory of the Most Holy Annunciation, is mentioned.

The fraction of Biestro was united with the two "Pallare" until 1386 and then became part of the imperial fief of Millesimo as one of the districts of Cosseria. From the eighteenth century onwards, Biestro shared the historical fate of other villages in the Millesimo fief, being partially ceded to the Kingdom of Sardinia in 1708. With the French domination, the territory of Biestro became part of the Canton of Arene Candide in the Jurisdiction of Colombo.

In 1815, with the Congress of Vienna, the territory of Biestro was incorporated into the Kingdom of Sardinia, and then into the Kingdom of Italy from 1861 to 1946. In 1927, the municipal territory of Biestro passed under the newly constituted Province of Savona, and in 1929 was annexed to the municipality of Pallare.

Biestro: history, monuments and nature in Liguria.

Monuments and places of interest

The fraction of Biestro can boast numerous monuments and places of interest, evidence of its long history.

Religious architectures

The Church of Santa Margherita di Pallare, built in 1663, replaced the ancient parish church dating back to the eleventh century. In the four side chapels and on either side of the altar, valuable works of art are visible, wooden statues by Antonio Brilla and Pasquale Navone, and splendid interiors and ceilings with rich stuccoes restored in 2004.

The Oratory of the Most Holy Annunciation of Pallare dates back to the eleventh century and is the first parish church of Biestro mentioned in 1245. It preserves fifteenth-century frescoes inside and a valuable altar.

Natural places

The fraction of Biestro is immersed in nature and offers numerous trails for hiking or cycling. The territory offers the possibility of admiring breathtaking views while walking among ancient chestnuts and surrounding mountains.


Biestro is a charming municipal fraction, rich in history and monuments to discover. Despite being a small locality, it offers residents and visitors the opportunity to immerse themselves in the unspoiled nature of Liguria. If you happen to be passing through the province of Savona, you cannot miss the opportunity to visit Biestro and discover all its secrets.

Laura De Luca
Wrote by Laura De Luca
Updated Thursday, Jul 21, 2022