
Pallare, a Mountain Town Immersed in Nature

Pallare is a mountain town located in the high Val Bormida, in the province of Savona in Liguria. This small town, with only 892 inhabitants, is known for the beauty of its nature, mainly composed of large forest areas of chestnuts, firs, and beeches. The highest mountain in the area is the peak of La Palina, which is located on the Ronco di Maglio side.

The History of Pallare and Biestro

The toponym Pallare may derive from the name of a type of oak, the pallera, which was commonly found in many wooded areas in the territory in ancient times. The area of Pallare has been inhabited since Roman times, and there are many rock engravings left by the ancient Ligurian peoples. Later, Pallare was part of the Aleramica region and, from the 12th century, within the domains of the Del Carretto family.

The first mention of Pallare dates back to 1325, when there were two quarters, Pallare Superiore and Pallare Inferiore. Biestro, instead, was a hamlet whose lands were united with Pallare until 1386. The Biestro parish church is dedicated to Saint Margaret and appears for the first time in an 1111 act, while the territory was mentioned in 1393 in the donation of lands that the Carrettesca family made to Theodore II Palaeologus.

Over the centuries, Pallare passed under Spanish rule (1571-1713) and was then purchased by the Republic of Genoa. Initially subject to the podestaria of Carcare, the territory came back from December 2, 1797, in the Department of Letimbro (capital Savona) within the Ligurian Republic. On April 28, 1798, with the new French provisions, the two villages were united in a single municipality and from 1803 became the main center of the V Canton of Arene Candide in the Jurisdiction of Colombo.

Pallare: nature, history and tranquility in Liguria.

Life in Pallare Today

Today, Pallare is a peaceful municipality where people live immersed in nature. There are some commercial activities such as a bar, a pizzeria, a bakery, and a minimarket. Also, every year the patronal feast of St. John the Baptist is held, in which the town's patron saint is celebrated.

One of the main pastimes for residents is sport fishing in the Bormida di Pallare. Every year, in the spring, many passionate fishermen gather to participate in the fishing tournament organized by the local sports association.

Pallare, an Ideal Place for Nature Lovers

Pallare is a unique place for nature lovers. The presence of large forests of chestnuts, firs, and beeches makes this territory particularly suggestive in autumn, when the leaves of the trees change color. Moreover, the mountain offers numerous possibilities for hikers and cyclists.

One of the most interesting hikes is the one that leads to the peak of La Palina, from whose summit you can admire a splendid panorama of the valley below and the surrounding mountains. During the walk, you can discover many rock engravings, evidence of human presence in this territory since prehistoric times.

Another place to visit is Biestro, a hamlet of Pallare that still preserves its characteristic historic center with typical stone houses and cobbled streets. Not to be missed is the church of Saint Margaret, where some 15th-century frescoes are preserved.


In conclusion, Pallare is an ideal place for those seeking tranquility and want to immerse themselves in nature. With its forests of chestnuts, firs, and beeches, its panoramic mountains, and its rock engravings, this small town in Liguria represents a real treasure for nature and history lovers. If you are looking for a place to get away from the hectic city life, Pallare is definitely the right place.

Laura De Luca
Wrote by Laura De Luca
Updated Thursday, Jul 21, 2022