Palazzuolo sul Senio

Welcome to Palazzuolo sul Senio!

Palazzuolo sul Senio is a small town of just over a thousand inhabitants, located on the Romagna side of the Tuscan-Romagnolo Apennines. Despite being in Romagna, it is administered by the metropolitan city of Florence, in Tuscany. It is south of Mugello, near the towns of Marradi and Firenzuola.

Since 2018, Palazzuolo has been part of the Most Beautiful Villages in Italy, thanks to its history, nature, and tourist attractions. Let's discover its beauties together!

Physical geography

Palazzuolo is located in seismic zone 2, which is a medium-high seismicity area. The climate is classified as zone E, with 2942 degree days. The atmospheric diffusivity is considered medium, according to Ibimet CNR 2002. Over the years, the town has earned the title of Ideal Village of Italy in 1991 and the ISO 14001 Environmental Certification.

Palazzuolo sul Senio: history, nature, tourist attractions.


The history of Palazzuolo is rooted in the medieval era. In the 13th century, the territory was a fiefdom of the Ubaldini family, but later passed to the Pagani family, with Maghinardo Pagani being the most well-known representative until his death in 1302. After Maghinardo Pagani's death, the fiefdom returned to the Ubaldini family. Among the most famous women belonging to the Ubaldini family is Cia Ordelaffi (also called Cia), daughter of Maghinardo's son. Cia Ordelaffi married the lord of Forlì, Francesco II Ordelaffi, and fought with him on several occasions, defending the city of Cesena during the crusade against the Forlivesi. It is possible that the symbol represented in the Municipality of Palazzuolo depicts the figure of Cia Ordelaffi.

Since 1362, Palazzuolo became part of the Florentine Republic. Together with Firenzuola, it constituted the nucleus of Tuscan Romagna. Since then, Palazzuolo followed the fortunes of the Republic of Florence and was feudalized to the Florentine family of Strigelli. During the Risorgimento plebiscites for the annexation of Tuscany to the Kingdom of Sardinia, there was a majority of "no" in Palazzuolo, with a large part of the population not going to the polls.

Monuments and places of interest

In the territory of Palazzuolo, it is possible to visit some religious architectures of particular beauty and historical value. The Sanctuary of Santa Maria della Neve di Quadalto has origins in 1459, when a small oratory was erected in the place where there was a pillar with the image of the Madonna. Between 1630 and 1639, the oratory took on the dimensions of the current church. The abbey of Santa Maria a Susinana is a monastic complex of Vallombrosan origin dating back to 1090. In the cemetery of the abbey, Maghinardo Pagani is buried, who is remembered by Dante Alighieri for his misdeeds. The parish church of San Giovanni Battista in Misileo has medieval origins, but was completely renovated in 1781 and then incorporated into a noble building. Finally, there is the oratory of Saints Carlo and Antonio dating back to the seventeenth century, which retains its original structure.

Palazzuolo sul Senio also offers many other places of interest, such as the bridge of Nations, the Ecomuseum of the Mountain, and the park of Mineral Waters, where you can take regenerating walks and admire the beauty of the surrounding nature.

Come and discover Palazzuolo sul Senio, a village rich in history and charm, where you can admire the beauty of nature and culture. We are sure you won't regret it!

Matteo Ferrari
Updated Sunday, Jan 29, 2023