Palazzo Adriano

A place with Albanian roots

Palazzo Adriano is a town in the metropolitan city of Palermo, located in the heart of Sicania at the northern foot of Mount delle Rose. It was founded by Albanian colonies in the 15th century, initially by Albanian Stradioti militias, and later joined by numerous other refugees from Albania fleeing the Ottoman Empire. Today, Palazzo Adriano is home to two peaceful coexisting populations, Sicilian and Albanian, who still maintain the Byzantine rite of the Albanian founding fathers. Although linguistic diversity has faded, Albanian ethnic identity is perceived in liturgical diversity.

A center dedicated to agriculture and tourism

The town is located on the border with the province of Agrigento, almost equidistant from Palermo and Agrigento. Known for being one of the main sets of the Oscar-winning film "Nuovo Cinema Paradiso" in 1990, Palazzo Adriano was recognized as a "tourist town" by the government of Sicily in 2014. However, agriculture and the primary sector have been an important resource for the town since its founding.

Palazzo Adriano: an Albanian pearl between nature and culture.

The geographical location and orography

Palazzo Adriano is located on a plateau at the foot of Mount delle Rose, belonging to the chain of Monti Sicani. The town's territory extends for 12925 hectares, corresponding to that part of the ancient territory of Prizzi donated to the Cistercian monks of the monastery of San Cristoforo, located between Filaga and Monte Scuro. The town is largely crossed by the Sosio River, which originates from the mountains of Bivona and Santo Stefano Quisquina.

Natural heritage

Following the annulment of the "Parco dei Monti Sicani" in 2019, Palazzo Adriano has become the seat of the "Monti di Palazzo Adriano and Valle del Sosio" nature reserve. This recognition has brought increased attention to the natural heritage of the town and the surrounding areas.

Language and culture

The municipal administration can use the Albanian language in official documents and road signs, under the current legislation for the protection of Italy's linguistic minorities. The presence of the Albanian linguistic minority has also contributed to the writing of numerous books and the production of a vast literary output.

In general, Palazzo Adriano is a small pearl of Sicily that preserves its history, culture, and traditions intact. The town offers tourists the opportunity to immerse themselves in an experience immersed in nature and tranquility, without giving up the scenic beauties that only Sicily can offer.

Marco Rossi
Wrote by Marco Rossi
Updated Sunday, Apr 17, 2022