

Hello geologist friends! Today I want to talk to you about the Arenaria di Ranzano, a formation in our beloved Emilian Apennines.

What are the Arenaria di Ranzano?

The Arenaria di Ranzano is a geological formation mainly composed of turbidites and characterized by an arenaceous-conglomerate zone. Their thickness varies greatly, from a few meters to over 1500 meters in the average Val Secchia. This formation extends for more than 200 km along the northern Apennine chain and takes its name from the homonymous hamlet in the municipality of Palanzano, in the province of Parma.

Ranzano Sandstone: the geological formation of the Apennines.

Composition and members

The Ranzano formation is part of the Epiligurian succession and is made up of several sedimentation bodies. Its origin dates back to the Upper Eocene to the Lower Oligocene. Moreover, it presents various members, including the Pizzo d'Oca member, the Val Pessola member, and the Varano de 'Melegari member. The Pizzo d'Oca member is one of the Emilia-Romagna region's community interest sites (IT4020012).


In conclusion, the Arenaria di Ranzano is an important geological formation in the Emilian Apennines mainly composed of turbidites. Their geographic extension of over 200 km and various members make it an area of great geological interest. I hope that this brief summary has been useful for you to better understand this formation!

Luca Bianchi
Wrote by Luca Bianchi
Updated Thursday, Sep 15, 2022