
Montefoscoli: a small Tuscan hamlet to discover

Montefoscoli, a hamlet in the municipality of Palaia in the province of Pisa, is located on top of a hill with a beautiful panoramic view. Its name, which is pronounced "Montefòscoli," does not have a clear historical origin, but the hamlet has been present in the annals of Tuscany since the 11th century.

Physical geography

Montefoscoli stretches along a long village jutting out on the hill, with the modern part at the entrance and the oldest area near the top, where the pleban archpriest church is located. The hill is surrounded by many watercourses, including the Carfalo stream, the Tosola creek, and the Roglio, where the first two converge.

Montefoscoli: discover the history and beauty of this Tuscan hamlet.

Origins of the name

The origin of the name Montefoscoli is not clear, as some historical documents contradict the legend that Countess Matilde would have donated the castle to a feudal lord named Foscolo Scarpetta. However, the hamlet has been present in Tuscan geography for many years, with different jurisdictions and lordships.


Montefoscoli was an important parish dedicated to Santa Maria Assunta and was the capital of a legal community. During the 14th century, Montefoscoli was governed by the Pisano state, which had established the residence of a "captain of Val d'Era di sopra" in the area. Later, the hamlet fell into the hands of the Florentines, but soon returned under the control of the Pisans thanks to Captain Guido da Monte Feltro.

During the fall of Pisa, Montefoscoli and the other castles in the Val d'Era were subjected to the Florentine Republic. In 1494, when Charles VIII invaded Italy, the inhabitants of Montefoscoli rebelled against the Florentines but had to submit again to their control the following year.

The balzello

During the period of the Florentine Republic's government, the inhabitants of Montefoscoli were forced to pay the balzello, a tax that imposed a tax on families based on their social status. Montefoscoli was one of the areas with the lowest taxation, with a rate of only 30 gold florins.


Montefoscoli is a hamlet that deserves to be visited for its history, natural beauty, and cultural treasures it holds. Its panoramic position on the hill offers a breathtaking view of the Val d'Era, and its ancient church and medieval tower still leave a strong impression on the history of the country. If you are in the area, do not miss the opportunity to visit Montefoscoli and discover its wonders.

Francesco Serra
Updated Wednesday, Oct 12, 2022