
Welcome to Palaia: an overview of the town and its history

Hello friends, today I will take you to discover Palaia, a beautiful Tuscan municipality located in the province of Pisa, with a population of about 4511 inhabitants. The city is crossed by the streams of Chiecina to the east and Roglio to the west, and is known for being at the center of the war between Luccans and Pisans since 1172. Come with me to discover more about its geography, history and artistic-cultural heritage.

Let's discover the geography of Palaia

The municipal territory of Palaia extends between the Chiecina and Roglio streams, and is crossed by a road that led in the past to Volterra. The climate of the area is classified as zone D, with a very high atmospheric diffusivity, according to the Ibimet CNR 2002 data. From a hydrographic point of view, the adjacent rivers are the Era and the Roglio. Moreover, the area is classified as medium-high seismicity, according to the Ordinance PCM 3274 of 20/03/2003.

Palaia: History, Geography, and Attractions Amid Churches and Natural Beauty.

The history of Palaia

The history of Palaia dates back to the last millennium, when its castle was half-owned by the bishops of Lucca, under whose ecclesiastical jurisdiction the population of San Martino a Palaia was located. In 1077, two brothers Hug and Tegrimo sons of Azzo, received San Gervasio in perpetual leasehold from Anselmo bishop of Lucca, as reported in a parchment dated 24 July 1077 (MEMOR. LUCCH. T. IV. P.II.).

As mentioned, Palaia was at the center of the war between Luccans and Pisans already starting from 1172. In 1406, during the siege of Pisa, all the castles of Val d'Era and Pisane hills were included in the Florentine Republic, which then promised Capannoli, Palaia, Peccioli, Lajatico and other places to Giovanni Gambacorti, lord of Pisa.

In 1431, a new war broke out between Florence and Duke Visconti of Milan, and Niccolò Piccinino conquered the castle of Palaia and imprisoned the podestà who belonged to the Florentines. However, thanks to the Ferrara peace of 26 April 1433, the castle returned under the jurisdiction of Florence. In 1495, Palaia returned under the dominion of the Pisans.

The symbols of Palaia

The emblem of the municipality of Palaia consists of an azure shield on white and azure field with a castle with three towers, all under a nine-pointed crown. In addition, at the bottom, you can see a sprig of myrtle and a sprig of oak.

The tourist attractions of Palaia

There is so much to discover in Palaia. Both from an architectural-religious and natural perspective, the city offers a myriad of tourist attractions that we can't wait to explore together.

The churches of Palaia

Among the churches present in Palaia, the Pieve di San Martino stands out, dating back to the 11th century. Other noteworthy churches are the Church of Santa Maria Assunta in Alica, the Church of San Frediano in Forcoli, the Church of Santa Maria Assunta in Montefoscoli and the Church of Santa Maria Assunta in Partino. There are also other churches such as the Church of S. Andrea and the Church of Santa Maria.

The beauty of the town

The town of Palaia has a lot to offer from the point of view of natural beauty. The surrounding countryside is particularly suggestive, and the city itself hosts beautiful villas and breathtaking views. Moreover, the historic center is truly enchanting, with many small squares and historic buildings that deserve a thorough visit.


Here we are at the end of our tour of Palaia. We have learned a lot about the history and culture of the municipality, and we have understood how beautiful it is to visit its churches, the surrounding countryside, and the architectural beauties of the historical center. I hope that our virtual visit has made you want to come and discover Palaia in person. See you next time!

Francesco Serra
Updated Wednesday, Oct 12, 2022