An Overview of Paladina
If you're looking for a tranquil and characteristic place to spend some time, Paladina might be your perfect destination. This municipality is located in the province of Bergamo, in Lombardy, and is home to around 4000 people. It is situated on the left bank of the Brembo river and offers a relaxing and pleasant atmosphere.
Additionally, if you're passionate about cycling, you have surely heard of Felice Gimondi, the famous former cyclist who lived in Paladina until his tragic passing in 2019. This, and many other curiosities about Paladina, will be revealed to you in this article.
Physical Geography
Paladina has an active weather station that collaborates with the Lombard Meteorological Centre. This means that you can find out precisely what climate expectations to have before setting out to explore the town.

Paladina has ancient origins, dating back to even prehistoric times with stilt settlements on the banks of the Brembo river. Later on, during the Roman Empire era, stable settlements developed, favoured by Paladina's geographical position, close to the capital and situated in the so-called “Val Breno”.
During this period, some small palaces arose to host imperial representatives who frequently conducted their business in these areas. According to some sources, the name Paladina may derive from the word “palace,” which was later relocated to “palatinum”. Other sources, on the other hand, see the origin of the name in the word “palafitte,” recalling the first prehistoric settlements.
The first written document regarding the existence of Paladina dates back to 856 when the construction of a church dedicated to Alessandro di Bergamo was mentioned. In the Middle Ages, Paladina experienced great development and was involved in the struggles between Guelphs and Ghibellines. During this period, numerous defensive buildings arose, including a castle with lookout towers and a small fortress located on Sombreno hill.
The situation stabilised from 1427 when Paladina became part of the Republic of Venice, which implemented a series of decrees to improve the social and economic conditions of the population. From then on, Paladina lived a quiet rural life until the 20th century, when it began to show an ever-increasing development of industrial activity.
The coat of arms and the banner of Paladina were officially approved by the municipal council on 11 September 1997 and were granted by decree of the president of the Republic on 1 June 1998.
Paladina is a small municipality located in the hinterland of Bergamo, rich in history and natural beauty. If you're looking for a peaceful stay, immersed in nature and history, Paladina might be the right choice for you. The town also offers the opportunity to discover the life of former cyclist Felice Gimondi, who departed from here to conquer the highest peaks of world cycling.