
Welcome to Paitone!

Hello everyone and welcome to Paitone! Today, I'll be talking about this small town in Lombardy, which has a population of around 2,000 and is located in the Valle Sabbia, in the province of Brescia. Paitone, known in the Brescian dialect as "Paitù," is a peaceful location nestled amongst the hills and mountains of the area, where various points of interest can be found, and outdoor sports can be enjoyed.

Let's Discover the Physical Geography of Paitone

Paitone is part of the Valle Sabbia Mountain Community, a mountainous area that spans north of Lake Garda. The town is located on the southwest shore of Lake Idro and in the area, several valleys can be found, including Val Chiese, Val Vestino, and Val Trompia. The territory of Paitone is characterized by hills and mountains, with an average altitude of around 500 meters above sea level.

Discover the small town of Paitone: history, art and sports in the hills of Brescia.

The History of Paitone

The history of Paitone can be traced back to the pre-Roman period, when the area was inhabited by Celts. Over the centuries, the town has been under various dominations, including those of the Lombards and Venetians. In 1909, the municipality adopted its own coat of arms, taking the emblem of the Paitoni family who owned extensive lands in the area of Nuvolento and Paitone. Today, the town is a tranquil place where you can breathe in the air of tradition and culture.

What to See in Paitone?

Despite its small size, Paitone offers several attractions for visitors. The Sanctuary of the Madonna of Paitone, built starting from 1534, is one of the most important places of worship in the town. According to tradition, the Madonna miraculously appeared here two years before the construction of the sanctuary. Inside the sanctuary, you can admire an important canvas by Il Moretto, which represents the Apparition of the Madonna to the deaf-mute Filippo Viotti.

Another church of interest is dedicated to Santa Giulia, consecrated in 1921. In the communal square, you can admire an iron sculpture that stands 6 meters high, called the "Tree of Desire," made by artists Almeida & Saraceni.

Life in Paitone: Demographic Evolution and Sports

Paitone is a small community where you can breathe in the air of simple life and tradition. The town has seen slow but steady demographic growth, going from 800 inhabitants in 1861 to the current 2,172.

In terms of sports, the mountain regularity march made an appearance in Paitone in the 1970s thanks to the SPAC Paitone Group. Since then, every year, the "trofeo Federico Maccarinelli a.m." is organized, a race valid for the regional or national championship.


I hope this short journey to discover Paitone has helped you get to know this charming location in Lombardy a bit better. Despite its small size, Paitone offers several attractions for tourists and a peaceful and authentic life for its inhabitants. If you happen to visit this town, you will discover the fascinating world of the Brescian mountains and its millennial traditions.

Chiara Russo
Wrote by Chiara Russo
Updated Thursday, Nov 3, 2022