
Welcome to Pagno, a Piedmontese municipality nestled in the Valle Bronda

Pagno, or Pagn in Piedmontese language and Panh in Occitan, is a small municipality in the province of Cuneo in Piedmont. With its 580 inhabitants and its location in the beautiful Valle Bronda, it is an ideal place for those who want to spend a period of peace and tranquility away from the city.

History of the Municipality of Pagno

The origins of the municipality of Pagno date back to the 7th century, when the Abbey of San Pietro and San Colombano was founded, which later gave rise to various monasteries, churches, and communities. Over the centuries, the town underwent numerous vicissitudes: from the feudal period to the Napoleonic period, up to the birth of the Kingdom of Italy.

Pagno, historical-artistic treasure in the Bronda Valley.

Monuments and Places of Interest in Pagno

Pagno boasts numerous religious architectures of great historical and artistic interest, including the Abbey of San Pietro and San Colombano, which houses a fresco dedicated to San Michele Arcangelo. The Chapel of San Rocco is also important, located near the ancient abbey parish, as well as the Chapel of the Addolorata, located near the new parish of San Pietro and San Colombano. Not to be missed is the Sanctuary of Santa Cristina, located in nearby Verzuolo, which offers a breathtaking view of the Valle Bronda.

Society and Demography of Pagno

The municipality of Pagno has about 580 inhabitants today, some of whom speak Occitan, making the town unique and very interesting from a cultural point of view.

Administration and Mountain Community

The administration of Pagno has been entrusted to various administrations over the years. In addition, the municipality was part of the Mountain Community of Valli Po, Bronda, Infernotto e Varaita.

How to get to Pagno and External Connections

Pagno is located a few kilometers from Cuneo and can be reached by car or bus. Visit the website of the Municipality of Pagno for further information on events and tourist attractions in the area.

Are you ready to discover this small municipality immersed in peace and religious art? Pagno awaits you with its churches, its chapels, and its millennial history to make you experience a solemn experience of faith and culture.

Irene Mariani
Wrote by Irene Mariani
Updated Saturday, Sep 24, 2022