
Castagnole: a small hamlet in the town of Paese

Hello everyone! Today, I will be talking about Castagnole, a hamlet in the town of Paese located in the Treviso province in the Veneto region of Italy. The name clearly derives from the chestnut, a tree species particularly widespread in this area.

The history of Castagnole

As with many other towns in Italy, establishing a precise date for the foundation of Castagnole is difficult. During the Middle Ages, the town was subordinate to the Church of Quinto with Paese, Sovernigo, Villa, and Malzago according to the ecclesiastical organization of the Diocese of Treviso. In 1815, the Austrians established the Lombard-Venetian Kingdom and a new administrative reorganization made Paese, Santa Bona (Treviso), and Castagnole the hamlets of Monigo. Later, Paese became the municipal headquarters with the hamlets of Monigo and Castagnole.

During World War II, the "Simmel" factory and weapons depot was built in Castagnole and was repeatedly bombed. Today, there are recovery projects in place for the area.

Castagnole: history, monuments and places of interest in Veneto.

Monuments and places of interest

Castagnole boasts several monuments and places of interest that are worth visiting during a stroll in the town.

Parish Church

The parish church is dedicated to San Mauro and was rebuilt in 1724 on the previous one. It was consecrated in 1768 by Bishop Giustiniani with the relics of the saints Vettore and Fortunato. The main altar is topped by a large Baroque stone group depicting the ascension of San Mauro; the Baroque choir railings date back to the seventeenth century. Of the four altars located in the side chapels, one is dedicated to San Giovanni with a painting from 1597.

Meridian Villa

The Meridian Villa dates back to the end of the seventeenth century and was probably the seat of a religious confraternity before becoming a rural structure. Its name is due to the numerous meridians painted on the walls.

Alessi Villa

Alessi Villa is an eighteenth-century villa consisting of the main building and two recessed barns, one used as a cellar and the other as a rural dwelling. The walls are decorated with valuable stuccoes.

Mocenigo Villa Barn now Stecca-De Lazzari

The barn, dating back to the sixteenth century, is part of the original complex of Villa Mocenigo. This is composed of the majestic master villa and two barns on the sides.

Leoni-Piazza House

The Leoni-Piazza House is a typical seventeenth and eighteenth-century courtyard settlement closed on three sides by buildings and high stone enclosures. It is the only example in the Municipality of Paese of a rural court.

Bandiera House

The Bandiera House, with its original layout from the fifteenth century, was once owned by a family of noble origins as suggested by a family crest fresco and other decorations.

Benvegnù House

The Benvegnù House was built in the first half of the fifteenth century. Inside, you can still admire frescoes attributed to Dario di Giovanni (1420 - 1498).

Perissinotti Piazza Complex in Castagnole

The complex consists of the master villa, a rural house, and the alchemist's house dating back to the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries.


These monuments and places of interest make Castagnole a fascinating and rich in history place. I recommend visiting the town if you are nearby and have a free afternoon!

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Castagnole also houses the Paese-Castagnole station.


I hope that this brief journey through the history and monuments of Castagnole has made you appreciate the beauty that can be found in the smallest hamlets of our country. Castagnole is a perfect example of how even the most modest of towns can offer so much to see to those who appreciate history and art.

Matteo Ferrari
Updated Friday, Sep 30, 2022