Paderno Dugnano

Welcome to Paderno Dugnano: a city in the first urban belt of Milan

Welcome to Paderno Dugnano, a municipality with around 48,000 inhabitants located in the first urban belt of Milan, in Lombardy. The municipal territory is mainly urbanized, but also features agricultural areas and some watercourses such as the Seveso and the Villoresi canal.

Physical geography

Paderno Dugnano lies in the high Lombard plain at an altitude of 163 metres and is located about 12 km north of Piazza del Duomo in Milan. The municipality borders other towns in the area such as Bollate, Cinisello Balsamo, Cormano, Cusano Milanino, Limbiate, Nova Milanese, Senago and Varedo.

The climate in the area is continental with cold winters and hot, humid summers. During summer, temperatures can exceed 30°C with 80% humidity, causing the phenomenon of "Afa (meteorology)". Fog, once typical of autumn and winter, has become less frequent in recent years.

Paderno Dugnano: history, culture and work in the first urban belt of Milan.


Paderno Dugnano has an ancient history dating back to the Roman period, when the city was crossed by the Mediolanum-Bellasium road, a Roman road that connected Milan to Bellagio. In 1862, Paderno Milanese became the official name to distinguish it from other towns with the same name.

Following Italian unification, it was decided to merge the village of Paderno Milanese with the northern locality of Dugnano, Cassina Alpina, Cassina Amata and Palazzolo Milanese. The choice of the name for the new unified municipality was complex, but it was eventually decided to call it Paderno Dugnano.

Cultural and tourist activities

Paderno Dugnano offers many cultural activities, such as the Civic Museum of Natural History, the Municipal Library, the Teatro della Luna and the San Federico Gallery. In addition, the city hosts numerous cultural events such as the Festa della Madonnina in August, the Festa dell'Albero and the Patron Saint's Feast in September.

For tourists, there are numerous attractions such as the Grugnotorto Park, the Bosco di Boffalora Oasis, the Garden of Villa Borromeo d'Adda and the Borromeo Castle. Furthermore, the city is well-connected to Milan via the S9 railway line and the M3 subway.

Economy and employment

Paderno Dugnano is an important industrial centre thanks to the presence of numerous leading companies in the metalworking, textile, electronic, computer and chemical sectors. The city also has an excellent geographical position that makes it a strategic point for trade and transportation.

Regarding employment, Paderno Dugnano has an unemployment rate lower than the national average. In addition, the presence of many companies offers many job opportunities for residents.


In summary, Paderno Dugnano is a lively and dynamic municipality located in the very first urban belt of Milan. Its ancient history, cultural and tourist activities, and strategic location make this city an interesting place to visit or live in.

Elisa Lombardi
Updated Sunday, Sep 4, 2022