
Discovering Ozzero: a Lombardian town

Hello! Today I'm going to talk to you about Ozzero, a Lombardian town located in the metropolitan city of Milan. Ozzero is a small village immersed in nature and has a population of about 1400 inhabitants. Let's divide the text into three sections to discover more about this fascinating town together.


Ozzero is situated on a small hill in the center of the town and borders other municipalities such as Abbiategrasso, Morimondo and Vigevano. Although it does not have a very vast territory, Ozzero is rich in flowing water, such as Rile, Gambarera, Naviglio di Bereguardo and Sombo, and several forests. Ozzero benefits from the waters of the Ticino River, which are taken through the Naviglio Grande and then channeled into the Naviglio Bereguardo, whose construction dates back to the late Middle Ages. Before this canalization, Ozzero depended on two springs, Santa Maria and San Giuseppe. In addition, in the Ticino Park, artificial lakes have been created for migratory birds, fish and different plants.

Ozzero: A Lombard Municipality between Nature and History.


The climate of Ozzero is warm and temperate. Rainfall is frequent and even in the driest month, there are numerous precipitation. The average annual temperature is around 14°C and the average annual rainfall is around 1000mm. Comparing the driest month with the warmest one, there is a difference of about 7°C. The average temperatures vary throughout the year and January is the driest month with an average of 41mm of rainfall, while October is the month with the highest precipitation, with an average of 120mm.


Medieval history

Ozzero has very ancient roots dating back to Roman domination, but was invaded by the Lombards in 569 AD with their conquest of the Po Valley. The Lombards, converted to Christianity, promoted the construction of numerous basilicas, oratories and chapels. Christianity also spread through the establishment of the pievi and the rural plebs went to Ozzero to receive baptism and sanctify liturgical celebrations. The reference pieve for Ozzero was that of Rosate, and the current parish of S. Siro was founded by the Lombards in honor of the first bishop of Pavia.

The rural municipality

After 1000, Ozzero also began to constitute a pertinence, a common area among landowners. This led to the establishment of the rural municipality, a public entity with full autonomy in the affairs of the community. Both phases of the municipal organism's establishment in Ozzero are well documented, dating back to 1156, where the common goods of Ozzero are mentioned. At that time, there was the figure of the podestà, a representative of the feudal family of da Ozeno or its delegate, called to administer justice in a place. Later, after about a century, the appointment of the local podestà would be a right exercised alternately every year. The reference curtis of Ozzero was not based in Rosate but in Basiano (Morimondo).

I hope this brief excursus has been useful to discover something new about Ozzero. If you have the opportunity, you must definitely visit this town and enjoy the landscapes it offers!

Elisa Lombardi
Updated Monday, Jan 31, 2022