
The History of the Ozieri-Chilivani Station

The Ozieri-Chilivani Station has origins in the 19th century when the standard-gauge railway network of Sardinia was inaugurated. The decision to have the railway pass far from the Ozieri town caused protests, but the works were completed in 1874. Initially called Ozieri Station, in 1878, the Sardinian Dorsal was inaugurated, and the station was renamed Chilivani, a name taken from the village that developed around the railway facilities. The station also included a restaurant and an inn for travelers. In 1891, the first trains of the narrow-gauge line of the Secondary Railways of Sardinia for Ozieri passed through the station, facilitating access to the Chilivani station for Ozieri residents.

The Tirso-Chilivani Railway

The Tirso-Chilivani railway connected Nuoro and Macomer-Nuoro with the Ozieri-Chilivani station. This railway was the only one to lead to the construction of an Ozieri Station, given that both of the Ozieri stations along the Sardinian Dorsal are several kilometers away from the city. This achievement restored the role of Chilivani Station as the main city station for the Royal Company's network. The Royal Railways granted the SFSS the possibility of constructing a platform and an additional set of tracks with a gauge of 950 mm at the station to allow the use of the structure by the Secondary Railway vehicles, as was done at the Macomer Station.

History and current state of the Ozieri-Chilivani station.

The Station Today

The Ozieri-Chilivani station is still in operation today and serves the municipality of Ozieri and its village of Chilivani. It is located along the Cagliari-Golfo Aranci railway, as well as the terminal of the Ozieri Chilivani-Porto Torres Marittima railway. The station is served by regional trains that travel on the routes of Cagliari-Golfo Aranci and Sassari-Ozieri. The structure has a platform and a set of tracks, as well as a parking lot for travelers' cars. The station is easily accessible and strategically located for those who want to reach Ozieri and Chilivani by train.


The Ozieri-Chilivani station has a long history that dates back to the 19th century when the standard-gauge railway network of Sardinia was inaugurated. Today, the station is still in operation and serves the municipality of Ozieri and its village of Chilivani, as well as being the terminal of the Ozieri Chilivani-Porto Torres Marittima railway. The structure is easily accessible and well-connected to the rest of the region, thanks to the regional trains that travel on the routes of Cagliari-Golfo Aranci and Sassari-Ozieri.

Sofia Greco
Wrote by Sofia Greco
Updated Friday, May 20, 2022