
Ozieri: the history of the largest municipality in Logudoro

Welcome to Ozieri, a municipality in the province of Sassari in Sardinia, with a population of 9860 inhabitants and a long history of human settlements dating back to prehistoric times. Ozieri is the largest town in Logudoro and has been populated by humans since ancient times, as evidenced by the numerous prehistoric artifacts and monuments present in its territory.

Prehistoric Age

The history of Ozieri dates back to the late Neolithic period, when the Ozieri Culture or ''Ozieri'' was founded. This culture was named after the homonymous cave discovered by archaeologist Antonio Taramelli in 1914, where numerous high-quality ceramic artifacts were found, characterized by decorative motifs that still pique our curiosity today. The Ozieri Culture is widespread throughout Sardinia and has left numerous traces, including the famous Giants' Tombs, characteristic underground house-shaped burials that reproduced earthly life according to the ideology of the afterlife world.

Ozieri: the history and beauty of the largest municipality in Logudoro.

Nuragic Civilization

The Nuragic Civilization is one of the distinctive features of Sardinian history and in Ozieri there are numerous examples of these stone towers that still elicit wonder and admiration today. Among the most important nuraghi are the Bùrghidu Nuraghe, the Sa Mandra and sa Jua Nuraghe, and the Mannu di Bisarcio Nuraghe, but numerous villages and sacred sources of water testify to the importance of this historical period.

Ozieri was an important meeting point for the great civilizations of antiquity, from Crete to Phoenician cities, and enjoyed a strategic position that allowed for the development of trade and commerce. The presence of high-quality archaeological artifacts demonstrates the skill of the artisans of the time and the sophistication of the technological and artistic knowledge of ancient Sardinia.

Ozieri Today

The municipality of Ozieri is today an important cultural and university center of Sardinia and has managed to maintain the traditions and memory of its past. Numerous cultural events enliven the city's squares throughout the year, including the Sagra degli sfogliatelli, which celebrates a typical sweet of the city, and Carnevale, which has ancient roots and involves the entire community.

The surrounding nature is also an important attraction for those visiting Ozieri, with its ancient oak and holm oak forests, vast expanses of vineyards and olive groves, and the natural beauty of Monte Acuto and Monte Santo, from which a breathtaking panorama of the surrounding countryside can be admired.


In conclusion, Ozieri is a treasure of Sardinia, a city that proudly preserves the traces of its past and the beauty of its nature, while not forgetting to look to the future with enthusiasm and determination. If you visit Sardinia, Ozieri is undoubtedly a place worth discovering and admiring.

Sofia Greco
Wrote by Sofia Greco
Updated Friday, May 20, 2022