
Greetings and Introduction

Hello friends, in this text I am talking about Ottaviano, a municipality located in the metropolitan city of Naples in Campania. Have you ever heard of Ottaviano? If you haven't, then you are in the right place because I will tell you everything there is to know about this city, from its history to its physical geography.

Physical Geography

Ottaviano is located in the internal Vesuvian area of Naples center, on the eastern slopes of the volcanic mountain massif of Monte Somma-Vesuvio. The territory of the municipality includes the crater of Vesuvius and its highest peak, which reaches an altitude of 1281 meters above sea level. The city is located at 286 meters above sea level and is surrounded by beautiful natural scenery.

Ottaviano, history and geography on the slopes of Mount Vesuvius.


Ottaviano has an ancient and fascinating history, dating back to the Roman Empire, when it was a village of houses within a vast estate belonging to the family of Emperor Augustus. This territory was of great strategic importance as it controlled the Capua-Rhegium road and was the scene of several battles.

The village grew in importance and became a Municipium, and according to some historians, it was also the place where the Emperor Augustus himself died. However, the remains of the Roman era were buried by the successive eruptions of Vesuvius, but several ruins and tombs have been discovered in various parts of the municipality.


The name of Ottaviano has undergone several modifications over time, before being called as we know it today. In Roman times it was called Octavianum, while shortly before the year 1000 the name was changed to Ottajano. In 1933, on the occasion of the bimillenary of Ottaviano Augusto, the name was changed to Ottaviano.

Other Historical Events

Ottaviano has been the site of several historical visits, including that of Pope Gregory VII in 1085, who celebrated Mass in a small church (the Church of Vaglio) located near the baronial castle, now known as Palazzo Mediceo. The city was owned by various lords and barons over time, including the family of Thomas Aquinas, the grandfather of Saint Thomas Aquinas.


In conclusion, Ottaviano is a city with an ancient and fascinating history, located in a breathtaking volcanic area. I hope this summary has made you appreciate this splendid city and encouraged you to visit. If you have the opportunity to do so, do not miss the chance to discover for yourself the beauty and history of Ottaviano.

Paola Santoro
Wrote by Paola Santoro
Updated Monday, Dec 26, 2022