
Ottana: Welcome to a hot and windy Commune

Welcome to Ottana, a Commune located in the Nuoro province with a population of 2165. A characteristic of our climate is the wind, which brings strong gusts of maestrale, scirocco, and libeccio especially in summer and autumn. However, what sets us apart from other Sardinian locations is our exceptional summer heat. With temperatures that can reach up to 46.7°C in the shade, Ottana was once one of the hottest locations in Europe.

Come discover our Commune

Ottana has been inhabited since the pre-Nuragic and Nuragic periods. During the Roman era, it was an important center of Sardinia. In the Middle Ages, it was part of the Giudicato of Torres and belonged to the region of Marghine. During the Aragonese era, Ottana began to decline due to malaria.

Octane: History, Warm and Windy Climate of Sardinia.

Ottana became a diocese in the Middle Ages. Later, in 1617, it became part of the Marquisate of Orani along with other cities, which was redeemed at the end of the feudal system in 1839.

The climate of Ottana

The climate of Ottana is predominantly continental, with rainfall concentrated between the end of autumn and the beginning of spring. Precipitation is almost entirely absent in summer. The temperature can easily reach a difference of 25°C during the day, especially during African heatwaves. For this reason, Ottana can boast the record of being one of the hottest European Communes in summer. The temperatures are milder during winter, but can also drop below zero in the colder months.

From textiles to pastoralism

In the 1970s, industrialization touched Ottana with the construction of numerous textile and petrochemical sites, thanks to the funding from the Cassa del Mezzogiorno. However, the project did not produce the desired results and today there is a return to traditional agricultural, pastoral and artisanal activities. Come and discover our small Commune with a millennial history and a hot and windy climate, ready to welcome you with our Sardinian traditions!

Veronica Vitale
Updated Saturday, May 21, 2022