
A Mountain Oasis: Poggio (Otricoli)

Located in the heart of the province of Terni, the hamlet of Poggio is a small village that overlooks the side of mount San Pancrazio. Inhabited by 448 residents, the territory ranges from the plain to the 900 meters of the mountain peaks.

An Ancient History

The history of Poggio dates back to the Middle Ages, when the hamlet was known as "Castrum Podii Medii" or "Poggium Moggii". In 1237, it was mentioned in a deed of sale of the castle to the Narni Tebalduccio Dorgani and Piergentile. In 1277, Narni accepted the submission of the Poggio inhabitants, and still today, they feel strongly linked to the city that welcomed them under its protective wing.

In the 16th century, Poggio was still subject to Narni and sent its men on military occasions. There were then disputes with the municipality of Calvi dell'Umbria, which ceased in 1764 with an official settlement.

Finally, in 1815, it was annexed to Otricoli. During World War II, an important battle took place there, an event that deeply marked the memory of the local community.

Poggio: History, Culture and Nature in a Medieval Village

Events and Culture

The cultural life of Poggio revolves around its close ties to medieval tradition. At the end of July, the "Medieval Days" are held, a historical representation that involves the entire village and its inhabitants. During the Augusts period, the "Festa della Santa Vergine" is celebrated.

Places of Interest

Among the main places of interest in Poggio stands out the Castle, characterized by a quadrangular keep placed along the walls. The walls themselves are interspersed with seven small towers. In addition to the defensive function, the religious significance is also important: outside it there is the "pomerium", a land where it was forbidden to build and cultivate.

Another place of interest is the Church of San Nicola, dating back to the 15th century and characterized by a façade with an arch and a bell tower with a sail. Inside there are paintings from the 17th century and a baptismal font from the 16th century.

A few kilometers from Poggio, you can visit the Alvelino Castle, near the Arverino Bridge. This castle, dating back to the 10th-15th centuries, was originally a city founded in the Middle Ages, abandoned in the 16th century due to a plague epidemic. In the toponymy, the Arverino Bridge remains, as does the ditch mentioned in ancient maps as Arverino.


For sports lovers, in Poggio di Otricoli, there is a sports center equipped for various disciplines.

Poggio is therefore a magical place and an oasis of tranquility, where history and nature merge, creating a suggestive atmosphere that conquers the heart of anyone who visits it.

Irene Mariani
Wrote by Irene Mariani
Updated Sunday, Mar 20, 2022