
A Fraction Between Two Regions

Correggioli is a small hamlet located in the municipality of Ostiglia, in the province of Mantua. It is located on the extreme border between the Lombardy region and Veneto, bordering with Melara, a town belonging to the province of Rovigo. It is 3.34 km away from Ostiglia and about 35 km from Mantua. On the other side, it is 9 km away from the province of Verona. The village extends between two provinces and is known as "The village".

The Physical Geography of the Village

The area around Correggioli is mainly agricultural, and crops such as corn, sugar beets, and wheat are grown. The village is protected by three embankments due to the danger of the Po river that runs through it. Between the second and third embankment, there is an emergency floodplain that receives the river's waters in case of floods. The landscape around Correggioli is enchanting and peaceful, surrounded by countryside and the river that flows nearby.

Correggioli: the village on the border of two regions.

The Origin of the Name Correggioli

The name of the village originally derived from two terms, "Corrìgiae" and "Corrìgiola", used to indicate the strips of land elevated above the others, which were not submerged by the overflows of the river. Among these, the countryside mounds at a higher altitude stood out: for this reason, one of the streets in Correggioli is called "Via del Dosso" (Road of the Mound). In the first half of the fifteenth century, "Corrigiae" became "Villa di Coriggiòli," the village or hamlet of Correggioli.

History of the Village

It is not certain when the first human settlement was born in Correggioli, but the Etruscans were the first organized people to occupy the territories around the Po. Around 500 BC, the Gallic peoples invaded the Po Valley up to the border with the territory of the Venetians to the East. Correggioli, along with a large part of the area, hosted a community of Gallic Cenomani. Over time, the territory was occupied by many cultures, such as the Huns and the Heruli.

Around 1200, the Selva di Ostiglia was reclaimed to free the land from stagnant waters and to embank the watercourses, thanks to the work of Riprando, abbot of San Zenone. In 1406, the area came under the dominion of the Gonzaga family from Mantua, while remaining under the religious guidance of the Bishop of Verona.


Correggioli is a small village surrounded by the countryside, characterized by a very particular geographical position, given its location on the border of two regions. The landscape is dominated by the Po river and its danger, which requires embankments and emergency measures. Despite the uncertainties of its ancient history, Correggioli remains a place of great naturalistic charm and suggestion.

Camilla Ricci
Wrote by Camilla Ricci
Updated Sunday, Apr 10, 2022