
Welcome to Ostana: Italy's most beautiful village

When it comes to small Italian villages, one often imagines a place hidden among the mountains, surrounded by nature and rich in history and culture. Ostana is all this and much more. This town of only 88 inhabitants is located in the province of Cuneo, in Piedmont, and has been included in the list of The Most Beautiful Villages in Italy, created by the Tourism Commission of the Association of Italian Municipalities.

History: An Occitan culture waiting to be discovered

Ostana is an ancient village, dating back to Roman times. Later, the town fell under the dominion of the Savoy and then to France. However, the true characteristic of Ostana is its Occitan culture, still very present among the inhabitants of the village. The Occitan language, in fact, is still spoken by many Ostanesi and many traditions, such as the feast of San Giovanni and the Occitan Carnival, are still celebrated with great enthusiasm.

Ostana: the most beautiful Occitan village in Italy.

Society: The demographic evolution of Ostana

As mentioned earlier, Ostana has only 88 inhabitants, but this figure should not be misleading: the village is full of life and cultural activities. From a demographic point of view, it can be noted that Ostana has undergone a sharp decline in population in recent decades. In 1961, in fact, the village counted 438 inhabitants, while today the figure has dropped to only 88.

Administration: Changes in the management of the village

The municipality of Ostana has been governed by various administrations over the years. The table below shows the administrations that have succeeded in this municipality. It is interesting to note that Ostana was part of the Mountain Community of Valli del Monviso until 2012, when the entity was dissolved.

Other administrative information

In addition to the Mountain Community of Valli del Monviso, Ostana is part of the Union of Municipalities of Monviso and the Province of Cuneo. Moreover, the municipality is famous for the Ostana Prize - Writings in Mother Language, a literary award that aims to enhance minority languages and the culture of these territories.


For those who want to visit Ostana, it is important to know that the village is about 60 kilometers from Cuneo and offers numerous trails and walks to enjoy the surrounding nature.

Related voices

For those who want to deepen their knowledge of Occitan culture, it may be useful to search for information on the language and traditions of this community.

Other projects

Finally, for more information on the Ostana Prize or cultural activities in the village, it is possible to visit the official website of the municipality or contact the administration directly. We are sure that the beauty and uniqueness of Ostana will conquer you!

Irene Mariani
Wrote by Irene Mariani
Updated Wednesday, Dec 21, 2022