Santa Vittoria

Welcome to Santa Vittoria!

Hello everyone, today I want to tell you about Santa Vittoria, a small hamlet in the municipality of Osilo, located in the historic region of Barbagia, in Sardinia. I will tell you the story of this charming village, which has its roots in the war between the towns of Perfugas and Bulzi, and where you can find the Church of Santa Vittoria, with its curved plan that follows the contour of the rocky wall.


According to tradition, the village was founded by people fleeing from the war between the two neighboring towns. Initially, they were welcomed in the porch of the church and then authorized to settle in the area by Osilo. In 1865, the poet Antoni Farina was born in the hamlet of Santa Vittoria, who wrote in the Sardinian language.

There are also classical sources that refer to a city called "herakleia" (city of Hercules), which would be located between the Mediterranean and the Atlantic. Professor Raimondo Zucca of the University of Sassari argues that this city could be Santa Vittoria.

Santa Vittoria: the story of an enchanted town in Sardinia.


If you want to know more about the history and culture of Santa Vittoria, I suggest you read the texts cited in the bibliography.

Related voices

Osilo is the municipality where Santa Vittoria is located, while San Lorenzo is another nearby hamlet.

Other projects

If you want to discover more about Santa Vittoria, you can visit the websites listed in the external links.

In conclusion, if you are looking for a quiet and characteristic place to spend your holidays, I suggest you visit Santa Vittoria. Here you will find a fascinating history, lush nature, and plenty of Sardinian hospitality. See you soon!

Sofia Greco
Wrote by Sofia Greco
Updated Saturday, Sep 10, 2022