
Hello everyone! Today we will talk about the beautiful city of Turin, located in northern Italy, in Piedmont region. With its 842,472 inhabitants, Turin is the fourth most populous municipality in Italy, as well as the capital of the Region and the Metropolitan City. But let's not stop here, there are many other things to discover about this extraordinary city!

Economy and culture

Importance at an economic level

Turin is an extremely important city economically, not only in the Italian context but also globally. In fact, along with Milan and Genoa, it composed the famous Italian industrial triangle during the years of the economic miracle. Today, it represents one of the major university, artistic, tourist, scientific, and cultural centers in Italy. Moreover, it is the third largest economic-industrial production complex in the country, with important activities in the automotive, publishing, banking and insurance, information technology, cinema, food and wine, aerospace, design, sports, fashion, and artificial intelligence sectors. Turin is also the birthplace of some of the major symbols of Made in Italy, such as vermouth, Gianduiotto chocolate, breadsticks, and espresso coffee. In short, Turin is a truly multifaceted city in constant evolution!

Turin: a multifaceted city between history, culture, and economy.

Importance at a cultural level

But it doesn't end there. Turin is also a city with a two-thousand-year history, dating back to the 3rd century BC when it was founded by the Taurini, and was transformed into a Roman colony by Augustus in the 1st century BC. After the rule of the Ostrogoths, it was the capital of an important Duchy of Turin, and then passed under the nominal lordship of the House of Savoy in the 11th century. In 1563 it became the capital of the Duchy of Savoy, and from 1720 it was the capital of the Kingdom of Sardinia and subsequently, from 1861 to 1865, the first capital of the Kingdom of Italy. Part of its historical and cultural heritage has been included in the list of UNESCO World Heritage Sites, such as some palaces and areas that are part of the Savoy Residences of Piedmont and the Po Hills area.

Important events and future projects

But Turin is also a city that looks towards the future and knows how to organize important events. Among the most significant are undoubtedly the 1911 International Exhibition, the XX Winter Olympic Games in 2006, and the Eurovision Song Contest in 2022. Moreover, since 2021 Turin has become the venue for the ATP Finals and will soon host the Turin International Book Fair and the European Athletics Championships. In 2030, it will host the UNESCO World Forum, an event of great importance for the city. In short, Turin is a city that knows how to attract the attention of the whole world!

Physical geography

Territory and landscape

But let's talk about the territory. Turin is located in the plain delimited by the Stura di Lanzo, Sangone, and Po rivers, which cross the city from south to north. In front of the city, there are also some alpine valleys, such as the Susa Valley which leads to nearby France through the Frejus tunnels, the Lanzo Valleys, and the Sangone Valley. The landscape of Turin is a perfect mix of mountains, hills, and plains, making it an ideal place for nature lovers.

Historical center and architecture

Turin's historic center is characterized by Baroque, Neoclassical, and Liberty architecture, with many ancient churches and squares. Among the most famous architectural works are undoubtedly the Mole Antonelliana, the symbol of the city, Palazzo Madama, Palazzo Reale, the Church of San Lorenzo, the Chapel of the Holy Shroud, and the Church of Santa Maria del Monte dei Cappuccini. Furthermore, the historic center was pedestrianized in 2016, and cycling tourism is becoming increasingly widespread.


Now you know a little more about the city of Turin and its incredible history, both past, and present. Turin is a city that perfectly combines the ancient with the modern and will surely surprise you with its beauty. If you have never visited it, we recommend that you do so as soon as possible!

Ludovica Neri
Wrote by Ludovica Neri
Updated Tuesday, Dec 6, 2022