Colonnetta di Prodo


Hello everyone! Today I will tell you about a charming hamlet in Orvieto, called Colonnetta di Prodo. Are you ready to discover this little Umbrian gem?

Geographical location

Colonnetta di Prodo is located at the intersection of the Todi-Orvieto state road and the road to Marsciano-Monte Peglia. Its name derives from the column located right in the middle of the two roads. You will be amazed by the panorama that opens up to you, right here at the intersection! You will feel like you're suspended between Earth and Sky!

Column of Prodo: a corner of Umbrian paradise.

Description of the area

The hamlet of Colonnetta di Prodo is characterized by the type of settlement called "vicus," which stands near the intersection of the two roads, at an altitude of 550 meters above sea level. According to Istat data from 2001, the village has 266 inhabitants. They are all exquisite, kind, and welcoming people, ready to welcome you among them.

Historical notes

In the past, the area was mainly used for the extraction of "Prodo marble," an extraordinary limestone of an intense red, used to make some mosaics that can still be seen on the facade of the Orvieto Cathedral.

The village church

But not only the wonderful panorama and the strong colors of nature: even the church of Colonnetta di Prodo will be able to conquer you. Among its treasures, there is a beautiful bell tower and inside the lava stone walls, you can admire a precious altar. This small jewel dating back to the thirteenth century is a real precious stone set in the Umbrian hills.


And so, friends, our virtual tour to discover Colonnetta di Prodo and its treasures comes to an end: breathtaking panoramic view, intense red marble, medieval church, and much more. What are you waiting for? Do not miss the chance to admire this little corner of Umbrian paradise!

Irene Mariani
Wrote by Irene Mariani
Updated Tuesday, Oct 11, 2022