
Orune: the pearl of the province of Nuoro

If you are looking for a magical place in Sardinia, Orune is the perfect place for you! This municipality of 2,148 inhabitants in the province of Nuoro, located at 800 meters above sea level, will offer you an incredible panorama that ranges from the sea of Baronia di Orosei to the Marghine Mountains.

Exploring the municipal territory

The vast municipal territory of Orune extends for many square kilometers, including 64 owned by the municipality and the rest owned by private individuals. Thanks to its suggestive location, the town of Orune is surrounded by splendid forests of Quercus suber, holm oak, and cork oak. But not only that! The altimetric territory is between 99 meters above sea level in the Isàlle valley and 914 meters above sea level in Cùccuru 'e su piràstru. If you are a hiking enthusiast, the Cucumache area with its 909 meters in height is the ideal starting point to admire breathtaking panoramas to the distant Gallura, Logudoro, and the closer regions of Monte Acuto and Goceano.

Orune: the pearl of Sardinia between nature and history.

The history of Orune

Not only nature, but also history. The area of Orune dates back to the prenuragic and nuragic period due to the presence of some archaeological finds such as domus de janas, tombs of giants, nuraghes, and a sacred nuragic well. After evolving, the city belonged to the Giudicato di Torres, was part of the Goceano curatorship and the Diocese of Castro di Sardegna until the fall of the Giudicato in 1259. After that, Orune became part of the Giudicato di Arborea and the County of Goceano before becoming part of the Marchesato di Oristano after the extinction of the judicial dynasty. In 1478, the entire County of Goceano came under Aragonese rule and became a royal fief. Only in 1839, after the suppression of the feudal system, Orune was reborn and became an important center in the province of Nuoro.

The symbols of Orune

The coat of arms and the flag of the municipality of Orune were granted by decree of the President of the Republic on November 18, 2004. The flag is a white drapery.

Religious architecture

The parish church of Orune is dedicated to Santa Maria Maggiore, also called "Nostra Segnora de sa Nivada" or simply "Santa Maria" or "Santa Maria Bella." The current temple was built between 1847 and 1855 on the initiative of the rector Francesco Angelo Satta Musio, and enriched in the next five years by the mural tempera paintings of the Cagliari-born painter Antonio Caboni. This makes the church one of the most interesting neoclassical churches on the island. If you decide to visit it, you will notice that the feast of the parish's patron falls on August 5, but no solemn celebrations are made in her honor. In these days, in fact, the community of Orune gathers to celebrate the Madonna under the title of Su Cossolu, the Consolata Virgin who consoles. This celebration was solemnly crowned by Monsignor Pietro Meloni on August 2, 2005 at the end of the Pellegrinatio Mariae, which saw the Holy Virgin visit all Orune families for 18 months.


Orune is a marvel of the province of Nuoro that deserves to be visited at least once in a lifetime. Between nature and history, this municipality will make you fall in love with Sardinia and its treasures. You won't regret it!

Veronica Vitale
Updated Tuesday, Dec 20, 2022