Ortona dei Marsi

Ortona dei Marsi: a mountain gem

If you love the mountains and unspoiled nature, Ortona dei Marsi is the perfect place for you. This municipality in the province of L'Aquila, Abruzzo, has only 436 inhabitants, but boasts a vast and diverse territory that extends between the Abruzzo, Lazio and Molise National Park and the Sirente-Velino Regional Nature Park.

Physical Geography

The village, located at an altitude of 1003 meters, lies at the foot of Mount Parasano, surrounded by peaks that exceed 1700 meters in altitude. The municipal territory, which includes the hamlets of Aschi, Carrito, Castiglione, Cesoli, Rivoli, Santa Maria Maddalena and Sulla Villa, and the villages of Fonte Giusta, Campo Catino, Casalotto and Colle Cavallo, is crossed by the Giovenco River, which rises on the slopes of Mount Pietra Gentile and flows into the collector channel of the Fucino plain.

Discover the beauty of Ortona dei Marsi: mountains, nature, and tradition.


The climate in Ortona is generally very cold in winter and cool in summer, with abundant and well-distributed rainfall throughout the year.


The toponym Ortona is believed to derive from the Latin "Ortus solis" (rising sun), referring to the town's urban design oriented towards the east, or from the Osco term "Hurz" (sacred orchard).


Ancient times

In the territory of Ortona, between the hamlets of Cesoli and Rivoli, stood the ancient Marsi fortification of Milonia, destroyed by the Romans during the Third Samnite War. Here originated the "gens Poppedia", a family whose most important figure was Quinto Poppedio Silone, leader of the Marsi during the Social War.

Middle Ages

In the Middle Ages, the fortified center was rebuilt near the village of Colle Cavallo, but was destroyed by the Lombards in the sixth century. Popes Paschal II and Clement III mention the church of "Sancti Quirici in Melogne" (or "Sancti Quinci"), where "Melogne" would be the linguistic alteration of the ancient toponym of "Milionia". The same documents also mention the churches of Sant'Onofrio, Sant'Abbondio and San Giovanni Battista in Ortona.

Modern rebirth

Ortona dei Marsi was hit by the 2009 L'Aquila earthquake, but the community rolled up its sleeves and worked hard to rebuild the village and keep local traditions alive. Today, the municipality is active in promoting local tourism and crafts, with particular attention to the production of cheese, cold cuts and extra virgin olive oil.

What to do in Ortona dei Marsi

If you are looking for a destination for your mountain vacation, Ortona dei Marsi is a perfect choice. Here you can take long walks in the unspoiled nature of the Abruzzo, Lazio and Molise National Park, or discover the ancient artisanal traditions of Abruzzo by visiting the local craftsmen's workshops.


On June 2nd, the festival of Madonna delle Grazie, the patron saint of the village, takes place, with the traditional mass in honor of the Madonna and a procession that crosses the streets of the village.

On June 24th, San Giovanni Battista is celebrated with a mass in the church dedicated to the saint and fireworks.


Among the things to see in Ortona dei Marsi are the church of San Giovanni Battista, which preserves frescoes and a wooden statue of the saint, and the church of Sant'Abbondio, with its valuable Romanesque portal.

What to taste

Among the typical gastronomic products of the Ortona dei Marsi area are sheep and goat cheese, cold cuts, extra virgin olive oil, and chestnuts.


Ortona dei Marsi is a village that will surprise you with its natural beauty and ancient artisanal traditions. If you want to experience an authentic mountain experience, this is the right place for you. We look forward to welcoming you to Ortona dei Marsi!

Simone Costa
Wrote by Simone Costa
Updated Tuesday, Sep 13, 2022